Transportation Improvement Program (T.I.P.)
Transportation Improvement Program (T.I.P.)
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) identifies the timing and funding of surface transportation projects scheduled for implementation over the four years using federal transportation funds in the Genesee-Finger Lakes region of New York state. Contact Chris Snyder, at or (585) 232-6240, ext. 212 for more information.
TIP Definition & Purpose:
The TIP is the multi-year spending and implementation plan for specific transportation improvements in the seven-county Genesee-Finger Lakes region including all highway, bridge, transit, intelligent transportation system, bicycle, pedestrian, and other surface transportation projects using federal transportation funds. It lists specific projects, the lead agency administering the project, anticipated schedules, costs, and fund sources for each phase of a project from preliminary engineering, right-of-way acquisition to construction and inspection.
The federal government requires that the TIP be updated at least every four years and adopted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) – in this region, the Genesee Transportation Council (GTC.) GTC and NYSDOT R4 typically conduct a complete update of the TIP every three years. The current cycle was adopted in 2022. The next cycle is due for adoption in June 2025.
Although GTC serves a nine-county region, GTC is responsible for developing the TIP for the designated Rochester Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA), which includes all of Monroe County plus the adjacent developed areas of Livingston, Ontario, and Wayne counties.
NYSDOT is responsible for developing the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), including areas outside the MPA. However, GTC and NYSDOT Region-4 work cooperatively to develop the TIP for the seven-county area, which corresponds to NYSDOT Region-4.
The TIP development process involves only projects eligible for federal aid. However, the TIP document may include, for informational purposes, non-federally funded transportation projects occurring in the TIP Area.
The TIP reflects the priorities and direction of the region and its state and federal partners in the transportation planning process. The TIP and the projects it contains must be consistent with the goals and objectives identified in the current Long-Range Transportation Plan 2045.
Members of the public can review and submit comments to GTC on the draft Program, the recommended list of transportation projects, and amendments presented to the GTC Board.
Learn more details about the TIP on the GTC Website.
Public Participation Process -- GTC Public Engagement Plan, Adopted February 2021
In coordination with NYSDOT’s efforts to update the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, GTC and NYSDOT Region-4 periodically reach out to leadership of member agencies, eligible counties, municipalities, and authorities seeking projects that will use federal funds in the engineering, right-of-way, and construction phases through a combination of written and electronic notifications.
Potential applicants can attend a workshop, consult the TIP Guidebook and the TIP Procedures Manual, and seek guidance from GTC staff to better understand the process and commitments for using federal funds.
The TIP Development Committee (TDC), a sub-committee of the Planning Committee, guides the development of the new TIP. The TDC is comprised of representatives from the MPA counties (Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, and Wayne), the City of Rochester, the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), and NYSDOT Region-4. The TDC reviews and prioritizes the applications and recommends a list of projects to be funded for consideration by the Planning Committee.
The Planning Committee considers and approves a draft TIP for a 30-day public review period.
GTC will publicize the public review period by publishing a legal notice in the daily newspaper with the largest circulation in the region, currently the Democrat and Chronicle, notifying the local news media, sharing on social media, sending out mass e-mail campaigns, and other means as appropriate.
During the public review period, GTC will host at least two meetings to discuss the content and development process, and to solicit input about how the proposed list of projects reflects the goals of the LRTP.
The public will be able to review the draft document online or view hard copies in person or upon request. Alternative formats (e.g., Braille, text-based, etc.) that allow people with disabilities or limited proficiency in English to review the draft TIP and provide their comments will be available upon request.
People can submit written comments online by e-mail or US mail.
The Planning Committee will review a summary of the public comments and revise the draft TIP, if appropriate, prior to recommending to the GTC Board for consideration. Planning Committee and Board meetings are open to the public. Upon adoption, the TIP is incorporated into the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). GTC and NYSDOT-4 staffs work together to ensure consistency between the adopted TIP and the draft STIP while the draft STIP is available for public review.
Review, Updates and Amendments:
The TDC meets regularly to assist GTC and NYSDOT Region-4 to maintain the TIP between full updates. The TDC reviews substantive changes to projects that may require amending the adopted TIP including new or removed projects, and significant changes in scope, limits, schedule, or Federal funding. The Amendments, as defined by the TIP Procedures Manual, are first reviewed by the Planning Committee prior to consideration by the GTC Board. All amendments are subject to public review and comment. Less significant changes to the TIP are considered Modifications and are approved by the Planning Committee or the TDC. Notification is provided to the Board of these changes, but public review is not required.
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments
TIP Review, Updates and Amendments:The TIP Development Committee (TDC), a sub-committee of the Planning Committee, guides the development of the new TIP. The TDC is comprised of representatives from...