Question title

What are your community's strongest assets?

Closed for Comments

Question title

How would you rank the items below based on what is most important to you?

Avg. Rank: 2.29
Avg. Rank: 2.50
Avg. Rank: 3.09
Avg. Rank: 3.49
Avg. Rank: 4.97
Avg. Rank: 4.99
Avg. Rank: 5.63
Arts and Culture
Avg. Rank: 5.82
Closed to responses | 198 Responses

Question title

How do you feel your community addresses the following housing needs?

240 responses

Question title

Do you think increased density (houses or units placed closer together) should be allowed to improve affordability?

Closed to responses | 239 Responses

Question title

How would you rate the pace of development in recent years?

Too Fast
Just Right
Too Slow
No Opinion
Closed to responses | 239 Responses

Question title

How do you feel your community addresses the following public service needs?

237 responses

Question title

How would you rate the infrastructure of your area?

241 responses

Question title

How would you rank your satisfaction with the transportation system in your area?

238 responses

Question title

Are there any areas in your community you feel are particularly dangerous for pedestrians or bicyclists? Please list the street name(s) and county/city/town name.

Closed for Comments
All the roads that don't have sidewalks are dangerous for pedestrians.
Reply20 Agreeone year ago
Sam Sidewalks, well lit and painted crosswalks, and pedestrian bridges for high traffic roads!
11 Agreeone year ago
Neighborhoods that have a school within a 1 mile radius should have sidewalks in them, so that kids can walk or ride their bike to school safely.
Also main streets like West C street should have sidewalks on both side of the road.
Reply10 Agreeone year ago
Have you seen the poorer side of Kannapolis? Where these things are NEEDED? It’s completely missing
Reply7 Agreeone year ago
John MiddletonThe intersection of Hwy 3 and Kannapolis Parkway needs lighting. Road paint needs replacement at 73 and Kannapolis Pkwy. When will the Hwy 3 project be completed?
Reply4 Agreeone year ago
there are other more pressing areas to use tax dollars than bike lanes that an exceptionally small percentage of people use
Reply3 Agreeone year ago

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Question title

What is your five-digit zip code?

This question is closed to responses.

Question title

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