Surveys & Projects
Buncombe County Helene Recovery
As Buncombe County recovers from the impacts of Hurricane Helene, this site will provide timely updates on the work done to support our community in a number of key areas and offer a place for residents...
Asheville City and Buncombe County School System Consolidation Feasibility Study
In September of 2023 the North Carolina General Assembly mandated that the Asheville City and Buncombe County school systems jointly study the feasibility of a merger. To date, Buncombe County Commissioners...
Community Strategic Plan 2030 Survey
In July 2019, Buncombe County began constructing its first five-year strategic plan. The County looks to build on that momentum with updated focus areas and goals for its next five-year strategic...
Featured Boards & Committees
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Featured Surveys & Projects
Buncombe County Helene Recovery
As Buncombe County recovers from the impacts of Hurricane Helene, this site will provide timely updates on the work done to support our community in a number of key areas and offer a place for residents...
Asheville City and Buncombe County School System Consolidation Feasibility Study
In September of 2023 the North Carolina General Assembly mandated that the Asheville City and Buncombe County school systems jointly study the feasibility of a merger. To date, Buncombe County Commissioners...
Community Strategic Plan 2030 Survey
In July 2019, Buncombe County began constructing its first five-year strategic plan. The County looks to build on that momentum with updated focus areas and goals for its next five-year strategic...
Planning Board Meetings
To watch Planning Board meetings on mobile devices, rotate your screen horizontally and expand the video to full screen mode.
Systemwide Parks & Recreation Master Plan
To guide the future of our parks, greenways, and related services, Buncombe County Parks & Recreation is beginning the systemwide Parks and Recreation planning process. The results of this planning...
ARPA at Work: Broadband Expansion
Frontier Communications and Buncombe County Government have partnered to expand broadband fiber to nearly 1,000 unserved and underserved households from Woodfin to the Buncombe/Madison County line...
Planning Board
The Planning Board is a legislative board that makes recommendations on land use ordinances to the County Commissioners. Over the past 2 years the Planning Board has helped steward the development...
Pursuing Affordable Housing on County-Owned Sites
Buncombe County is taking steps to convert underutilized County-owned properties into affordable housing. In March 2023, following the results of an initial evaluation of multiple properties, the Buncombe...
Bond Oversight Committee
Buncombe County voters approved two bonds in the Nov. 8 general election for Open Space and Affordable Housing. The bonds will generate $30 million and $40 million respectively. With an eye toward...
Open Space Bond: Greenways, Conservation, and Recreation
In November 2022, Buncombe County voters had the opportunity to vote on the Open Space Bond, a funding project that would increase conservation of lands, construction of greenways, and development...
Opioid Settlement Fund
Buncombe County is set to receive over $16 million over a period of 18 years through the Opioid Litigation Settlement. Communities can use these dollars to help attain outcomes for residents through treatment,...
Buncombe County Board Of Elections
The Buncombe County Board of Elections is responsible for conducting local elections, operating and preparing voting sites, maintaining voter registration lists, and handling many other aspects...
Woodfin Greenway and Blueway
The overall goal of the Woodfin Greenway and Blueway project is to provide pedestrian linkages between public recreation opportunities, schools, industries, and businesses along the French Broad River...
Community Health Improvement
The Health Promotions Team is surveying Buncombe County residents to help inform strategic planning for the upcoming Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The results of the survey will be used to...
Active Surveys & Projects
Short-Term Rental Ad Hoc Committee
The Committee will review the previous work of the Planning Board and evaluate short-term rental regulations, identify policy implications, and provide feedback and recommendations regarding...
2024 Buncombe County 'I Voted' Election Sticker Contest
The CompetitionElection Services is hosting its 2024 'I Voted' Sticker Contest. Nearly 70 youth artists submitted sticker designs. The Election Sticker Committee, made up...
Comprehensive Plan Implementation
In 2023 the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners adopted the County's first 20-year Comprehensive Plan. County staff are working to implement the vision, goals, policies, and actions identified in...
School Capital Fund Commission
Mission Statement and Purpose The purpose of the School Capital Fund Commission is to review eligible capital project requests of over $100,000 from Asheville City Schools and Buncombe County Schools...
2024 Adult Kickball League
Click Participate to learn more.
Fair Housing
Fair housing training isn’t just a good compliance practice, it’s a good business decision. Whether you are seeking housing, or are a provider of housing, Buncombe County is committed...
WNC Healthy Impact: Community Health Assessment
In the next few weeks, the residents of Buncombe County will play a crucial role in helping Buncombe County Health and Human Services identify important health needs in our community and the surrounding...
Ferry Road Development: Building a Community
The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners is moving forward with plans to develop its Ferry Road property. The County will begin soliciting a master development partner in 2024 to realize its vision for...
Health and Human Services Board
Mission and Goals The HHS Board is established by NC general statute 153A-77 to have all the duties of a local Board of Health and a Social Services Board. Locally, our Board serves in an advisory...
AB Tech/Buncombe County Joint Capital Advisory Committee
Mission and Purpose of the BoardThe purpose of the A-B Tech/Buncombe County Joint Capital Advisory Committee is to review capital project requests from the A-B Tech Board of Trustees and make recommendations...
Past Surveys & Projects
Coxe Avenue Properties Affordable Housing Community Feedback Form
Buncombe County is seeking community input on two options for the redevelopment of County-owned properties at 50 and 52 Coxe Avenue. The following feedback form uses five guiding public interests...
Systemwide Parks and Recreation Master Plan Survey
Sow the seeds, shape the space: help us create the roadmap for Buncombe County recreational future. As part of the Buncombe County Systemwide Parks and Recreation Master Plan, County staff and their...
Let's Talk 2024 Elections: Share Your Voting Questions
Got questions about upcoming 2024 Elections? Chime in below and on Friday, Feb. 16 at 1 p.m. Buncombe County's Communications and Engagement team will host a conversation with Election...
Opioid Settlement
Buncombe County is set to receive $16 million over a period of 18 years through the Opioid Litigation Settlement. Communities can use these dollars to help attain outcomes for residents through treatment,...
Buncombe County Election Services: Early Voting Options Survey
Feedback Needed: Take Buncombe County’s Early Voting Survey Do you want to have a voice in how Early Voting works for the midterm elections? Take our five-question survey so your voice can be...
Ad Hoc Reappraisal Committee-Property Appraisal Survey
Your input can provide valuable insight to the Ad Hoc Reappraisal Committee. Take a short survey.
Ferry Road Public Engagement Plan
Update Oct. 3, 2023: The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners is moving forward with plans to develop its Ferry Road property with conservation, affordability, and public recreation at the heart of this...
Meetings & Events
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