Question title

How important is it to you to buy/support local San Antonio businesses?

¿Qué importancia tiene para usted comprar/apoyar a los negocios locales de San Antonio?

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

How important is it to you to support the following types of locally owned businesses?
¿Qué tan importante es para usted apoyar a los siguientes tipos de negocios locales? 

Question title

Household services (cleaning, lawn, maintenance, and repairs etc.)

Servicios domésticos (limpieza, jardinería, mantenimiento y reparaciones, etc.)

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

Eating at a restaurant

Comer en un restaurante

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

When buying food/groceries

Al comprar alimentos/provisiones

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

Personal services (hair, nails, spa, dry cleaning etc.)

Servicios personales (peluquería, uñas, spa, tintorería, etc.)

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

Purchasing gifts

Compra de regalos

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

Financial services (community banks, financial advisors, accountants etc.)

Servicios financieros (bancos comunitarios, asesores financieros, servicios de contabilidad, etc.)

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

When buying furniture

A la hora de comprar muebles

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

When buying clothes

Al comprar ropa

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

When buying books

Al comprar libros

Very Important/Muy Importante
Moderately Important/Moderadamente Importante
Slightly Important/Ligeramente Importante
Unimportant/Sin Importancia
Closed to responses

Question title

What do you think are the three most important reasons to support locally owned businesses? Rank top 3

¿Cuáles cree que son las tres razones más importantes para apoyar a los negocios locales? Clasifique las tres más importantes

Closed to responses

Question title

Has the pandemic increased your awareness of the value of locally owned businesses?

¿La pandemia ha aumentado su conciencia sobre la importancia de negocios locales?

Probably Not/Probablemente no
Definitely Not/Definitivamente no
Closed to responses

Question title

Which phrase do you like best?

¿Cuál frase te gusta más?

Closed to responses

Question title

What image or icon do you feel best represents San Antonio?

¿Qué imagen o icono cree que mejor represente a San Antonio?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Which of the following options best describes your spending habits?

¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones describe sus hábitos de gasto?

I buy from local businesses whenever possible./Siempre que es posible, compro en negocios locales.
I make a genuine effort to buy from local businesses./Hago un verdadero esfuerzo por comprar en negocios locales.
I think about, but don't go out of my way to buy from local businesses./Lo pienso, pero no me desvío para comprar en negocios locales.
I don't think about buying from local businesses./No pienso en comprar en negocios locales.
Closed to responses

In an average month, approximately how many times do you make purchases from: 
En promedio, aproximadamente cuántas veces al mes realiza compras en:

Question title

Locally owned business

Negocios locales

Few times per week/Pocas veces por semana
Three or fewer times a month/Tres o menos veces al mes
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Question title

Chain businesses

Cadena de negocios

Few times per week/Pocas veces por semana
Three or fewer times a month/Tres o menos veces al mes
Closed to responses

Question title

Online local San Antonio business

Negocios locales de San Antonio en línea

Few times a month/Pocas veces por semana
Three or fewer times a month/Tres o menos veces al mes
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Question title

Online nonlocal business

Negocios no locales en línea

Few times per week/Pocas veces por semana
Three or fewer times a month/Tres of menos veces al mes
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Question title

In the past 3 months have you purchased any of the following goods or services?
Select all that apply

En los últimos 3 meses, ¿ha comprado alguno de los siguientes bienes o servicios?
Seleccione todos los que correspondan

Household services local (cleaning, lawn, maintenance, and repairs, etc./Servicios domésticos locales (limpieza, jardinería, mantenimiento y reparaciones, etc.)
Household services nonlocal (cleaning, lawn, maintenance, and repairs, etc.)/Servicios domésticos no locales (limpieza, jardinería, mantenimiento y reparaciones, etc.)
Dining out at a locally owned restaurant/Cenar en un restaurante local
Dining out at a chain restaurant/Cenar en un restaurante de cadena
Personal services local (hair, nails, spa, dry cleaning, etc.)/Servicios personales locales (peluquería, uñas, spa, tintorería, etc.)
Personal services nonlocal (hair, nails, spa, dry cleaning, etc.)/Servicios personales no locales (peluquería, uñas, spa, tintorería, etc.)
Gifts from a locally owned store or maker/Regalos de una tienda o fabricante local
Gifts from a national retailer or e-commerce site/Regalos de un minorista nacional o de un sitio de comercio electrónico
Furniture from a locally owned business/Muebles de un negocio local
Furniture from a national retailer or e-commerce site/Muebles de un minorista nacional o de un sitio de comercio electrónico
Clothing form a locally owned business/Ropa de un negocio local
Clothing from a national retailer or e-commerce site/Ropa de un minorista nacional o de un sitio de comercio electrónico
Books from a locally owned bookstore/Libros de una librería local
Books from a national retailer or e-commerce site/Libros de un minorista nacional o de un sitio de comercio electrónico
Closed to responses

Question title

How do you make your shopping/purchasing decisions?

¿Cómo toma sus decisiones de compra?

I select the option that is most convenient/Selecciono la opción más conveniente
I select the least expensive option/Selecciono la opción menos costosa
I select the option that provides the best quality/service/Selecciono la opción que ofrece la mejor calidad/servicio
I select the option that supports business in my community/Selecciono la opción que apoya a los negocios de mi comunidad
Closed to responses

Question title

What share of your purchasing is done online?

¿Qué porcentaje de sus compras se realiza por Internet?

The majority/La mayoría
About half/Aproximadamente la mitad
Small share/Pequeña parte
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Question title

What goods or services would you like to purchase locally but they either don't exist, or you are unable to locate them?

¿Qué bienes o servicios le gustaría comprar a nivel local pero no existen o no puede localizarlos?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Household Income

Ingresos del hogar

Under $25,000/Menos de $ 25,000
$25,000 to $49,999/$25,000 a $49,999
$50,000 to $74,999/$50,000 a $74,999
$75,000 to $99,999/$75,000 a $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999/$100,000 a $149,999
Closed to responses

Question title

Would you like to be added to a mailing list about local San Antonio businesses?

¿Le gustaría ser añadido a una lista de correo sobre los negocios locales de San Antonio?

Closed to responses

Optional Questions: The next set of optional questions will help us improve our outreach efforts across the City. The information you share helps us better understand how your lived experiences contribute to your experience and perceptions in this survey. Your responses will remain anonymous.

Preguntas opcionales:
El siguiente conjunto de preguntas opcionales nos ayudará a mejorar nuestros esfuerzos de divulgación en toda la ciudad. La información que comparta nos ayudará a entender mejor cómo sus experiencias vividas contribuyen a su experiencia y percepciones en esta encuesta. Sus respuestas serán anónimas.

Question title

What is your age?

¿Cuál es su edad?

Under 18/Menor de 18 años
18 to 24/De 18 a 24 años
25 to 34/De 25 a 34 años
35 to 44/De 35 a 44 años
45 to 54/De 45 a 54 años
55 to 64/De 55 a 64 años
65 to 74/De 65 a 74 años
75 years or older/75 años o más
Closed to responses

Question title

Are you a person living with a disability?

¿Es usted una persona que vive con una discapacidad?

Closed to responses

Question title

Please indicate your race/ethnicity(ies). Select all that apply.

Indique su(s) raza(s) o etnia(s). Seleccione todo lo que corresponda.

American Indian or Alaska Native/Indio americano o nativo de Alaska
Asian or Asian American/asiático o asiático americano
Black or African American/negro o afroamericano
Hispanic, Latino, Latina, or Latinx/Hispano, Latino, Latina o Latinx
Middle Eastern/Medio este
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander/Nativo de Hawai u otra isla del Pacífico
Another option not listed here (please specify)/Otra opción no listada aquí (por favor especifique)
I prefer not to answer this question./Prefiero no responder a esta pregunta.
Closed to responses

Question title

If yes, please check all that apply:

En caso afirmativo, marque todo lo que corresponda:

Blind or low vision/Ciego o baja visión
Deaf or hard of hearing/Sordo o con problemas de audición
Physical or mobility/Física o movilidad
Intellectual or developmental/Intelectual o de desarrollo
Mental health/Salud mental
Chronic medical condition/Condición médica crónica
Other, please describe:/Otros, por favor describa:
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your gender? (Select all that apply.)

¿Cuál es su género? (Seleccione todas las que correspondan.)

Non-binary/third gender/No binario/tercer género
Prefer to self-describe:/Prefiero autodescribirme:
Closed to responses

Question title

Are you transgender?

¿Eres transgénero?

Decline to state/Rechazar declarar
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Question title

What is your sexual orientation? (Select all that apply.)

¿Cuál es tu orientación sexual? (Seleccione todas las que correspondan.)

Prefer not to say/Prefiero no decirlo
Prefer to self-describe:/Prefiere autodescribirse:
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your Council District?

¿Cuál es su distrito municipal?

District 1/Distrito 1
District 2/Distrito 2
District 3/Distrito 3
District 4/Distrito 4
District 5/Distrito 5
District 6/Distrito 6
District 7/Distrito 7
District 8/Distrito 8
District 9/Distrito 9
District 10/Distrito 10
I am not sure, but this is my address:/No estoy seguro, pero esta es mi dirección:
Closed to responses

Question title



Closed for Comments

Question title


Correo electrónico

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Question title

Phone number

Número de teléfono

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Speak Up!

Open Date: March 10, 2022 (7 de marzo de 2022)
Closed Date: March 30, 2022 (30 de marzo de 2022)

Current Stage

Stage 1: Community Engagement

Contact Information

Economic Development Department