For purposes of answering this questionnaire, please refer to the study area map to identify the area where improvements are being considered: 

Jessamine/Fayette Connectivity Study -- Study Area Map

Question title

Do you live or work within the study area?

Check only one.

Closed to responses

Question title

Other than US 27 (Nicholasville Rd.) or I-75, how often do you drive within the study area?

Please check only one response.

Several times a week
Several times a month
Less than several times a month
Closed to responses

Question title

What do you see as the top three transportation issues in the study area?

Please select up to three responses.

Closed to responses

Question title

Do you think transportation improvements are needed within the study area?

Yes, improvements are needed now.
I think improvements may be needed in the next 5 – 10 years.
Improvements might be needed, but I am not certain.
Improvements are not needed.
Closed to responses

Question title

Please place pins within the highlighted study area on the map to indicate the locations of any specific problems you encounter when moving through the study area. You may place as many as three pins on the map.

You can zoom in and out of the map by clicking on the “+” and “-“ symbols. In the pop-up box that appears after you place a pin, please identify the problems you encounter at those areas.

Question title

Do you think a better connection between US 27 (Nicholasville Rd.) and I-75 is needed?

Yes, an entirely new roadway connection should be built.
Yes, but only existing routes should be improved
Improvements might be needed, but I am not sure where.
No, the existing connections are adequate.
Closed to responses

Question title

If a new roadway could be built, where should the connection be established?

Please select as many options as you think are relevant. Then use the comment box below to specify where on US 27, I-75, or someplace else along the corridor that a new connection should be built.

Along US 27
Along I-75
Someplace else along the corridor
Closed to responses

Question title

If you think existing routes should be improved, which route(s)?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Are there sensitive resources within the study focus area that should be avoided?

Yes (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

How did you hear about this study?

Select all that apply.

Friend or neighbor
Elected official
Social media
Other news media (newspaper, radio, etc.)
Closed to responses

Question title

Please use this space to share any additional comments you have regarding the Jessamine/Fayette Connectivity Study.

Closed for Comments



Thank you for your time!