Question title

Please provide your contact information so we can communicate better with you.

Your contact information is confidential and will be used only for communications from Henrico County general government.

Question title

How do you prefer to receive information from and about Henrico County? Rank your answers. You can undo an entry by clicking on it a second time.

Henrico e-newsletter
Text or mobile app notifications
Henrico County website,
Social Media
Magisterial district town hall meetings
Board of Supervisors regular meetings
Reports by local news media (television, newspaper, websites)
HCTV (Henrico County Television)

Question title

* If you would like to receive the county's newsletter via email, please add your address below.

Question title

* If you would like to receive the county's newsletter via text, please add your cell phone number below.

Question title

Please select your magisterial district.

Please select your magisterial district.
Select a response

Question title

Please provide any comments regarding Henrico's communication efforts.

Thank you for participating in this survey. We appreciate your feedback. If you have questions about this survey or about Henrico County's communication efforts, please contact Henrico Public Relations at (804) 501-4257.
Thank you for participating in this survey. We appreciate your feedback. If you have questions about this survey or about Henrico County s communication efforts please contact Henrico Public Relations at (804) 501-4257.