Question title

What zip code do you live in?

Question title

How many people (including yourself) live in your household?

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Question title

* How knowledgeable do you feel about COVID-19?

Very knowledgeable
Somewhat knowledgeable
Slightly knowledgeable
Not at all knowledgeable
Closed to responses

Question title

* Where do you go to get up-to-date information on COVID-19? (Select all that apply)

National news
Local TV news
Local radio stations
Local newspapers
Internet search (e.g., Google, Yahoo, etc.)
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
The World Health Organization (WHO)
State Health Department
Local Health Department
Local Government Website –
Organizations such as churches, clubs and non-profits
N/A or Other
Closed to responses

Question title

* Which, if any, have you done to be more prepared for COVID-19? (Select all that apply)

Stayed up to date on news for information on the virus
Washed my hands more frequently with soap or hand sanitizer
Avoided touching my eyes, nose and mouth
Cleaned/disinfected frequently-touched objects/surfaces using a spray or wipes
Practiced other good health practices (e.g. sleep, eating healthy, exercising)
Avoided touching high-touch surfaces in public places (e.g., elevator buttons, door handles)
Not shaking hands or touching people in public places
Avoided close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms
Stocked up on supplies in my home
Avoided crowds
Kept space between myself and others while out
Changed my work-related travel plans
Changed my leisure-related travel plans
Stayed home more frequently
Practiced self-isolation or quarantine
Created a household action plan (e.g. emergency phone #s, plans to contain spread of virus)
Worn a mask when leaving my home
N/A or Other
Closed to responses

Question title

* What are your household’s concerns right now regarding COVID-19? (Select all that apply)

Members of my household becoming infected
Having enough food to make it through the pandemic
Having enough supplies to make it through the pandemic
Helping my children with online schooling
Managing my children if our daycare closes
Economic impact on my household
Economic impact on my community
Not having anything to do
Not being able to work out/exercise
The emotional health of my household
The safety of my community as the pandemic continues
Access to medical services (e.g., emergency care, basic medical care and needed prescriptions)
N/A or Other
Closed to responses

Question title

Which of these employment challenges are you or someone in your household facing (or likely to face) due to COVID-19?

Workplace closed for an extended period
Reduction in hours I can work
Self-employed with a decrease in business activity
Work in a profession that does not provide regular and predictable pay
Do not have adequate computers or phones to work at home
Do not have adequate internet access to work at home
Job(s) requires special equipment not available at home
Childcare/child supervision needs not met
Job is “essential” making COVID risk higher (e.g. first responders, health care providers, etc.)
Job is “essential” and requires extra workload and responsibilities
N/A or Other
Closed to responses

Question title

* What kind of information would help your household the most in relation to COVID-19?

The symptoms of COVID-19
The ways the disease is transmitted
The geographic areas that have higher outbreak rates
The behaviors I need to use to help prevent catching the virus
What to do if someone in my household shows signs of the virus
The current CDC recommendations for keeping my household safe
How to access and make needed food and supplies last
How to wear a mask
How to make a homemade mask
Information on when I should wear a mask
I feel like I have all of the information I need at this time
Closed to responses

Question title

* What actions have you taken to assist your community with potential impacts and/or risks of COVID-19?

Supported small businesses (ordered online, bought gift cards)
Stayed remotely connected with family and friends (letters, phone, online)
Stayed educated on the virus and helped spread accurate information
Connected more with your neighbors on social media
Volunteered time to bring food or supplies to the elderly/vulnerable
Donated money to a cause assisting those affected by COVID-19
Stayed in my home except to take part in essential activities
Delivered food or supplies to those in self-quarantine
Donated to food banks and other organizations helping people in need
Donated blood
Provided childcare for essential workers (emergency responders, health care workers)
Assisted families with online schooling of children
N/A or Other
Closed to responses

Question title

* Are you aware of the following organizations/initiatives and how they are assisting those affected by COVID-19 in our community? (Select all that apply)

Round Rock Area Serving Center
United Way of Greater Austin
AGE of Texas
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Round Rock Cares
Austin + Round Rock Mask Brigade
COVID-19 ATX Exchange
Covid Rangers
Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)
We Are Blood
Opportunities for Williamson and Burnet Counties
I am not familiar with any of these
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you have other ideas on how residents can help others in the community relating to COVID-19?

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