I-75 Improvement Project (Phase 5 and 6)
I-75 Improvement Project (Phase 5 and 6)
Thank you for your participation!
The public comment period is now closed.
Two public meetings were held to discuss the new interstate alternative being studied. The first meeting was held virtually on February 17, 2022, and the second meeting was held in person at the Sharonville Convention Center on March 1, 2022. Comments on the project are welcome at any time; however, comments were accepted until April 1, 2022, in order to be considered and included in this phase of the project development.
The project team is currently reviewing all comments received. A letter that includes project decisions/updates and a summary table of all comments received and responses will be issued spring/summer 2022.
The information shared below will continue to be available for reference.
Project Description
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) would like to invite you to participate in a public meeting to discuss a new alternative to improve Interstate 75 (I-75) in Hamilton County, Ohio. You may have attended previous meetings related to the I-75 improvement project over a decade ago, also known as Thru the Valley (TTV). Please visit the official ODOT project website for more information on the Thru the Valley project as well as phases 5 and 6 here:
The I-75 Improvement project is divided into 8 phases. The purpose of this meeting is to share information about a new alternative that has been developed for phases 5 and 6 that proposes to unify the interstate along I-75 southbound (see image on right) from Shepherd Lane to SR 126 to provide 4 southbound lanes and 4 northbound lanes. In addition to the new alternative alignment on IR 75, ODOT would like feedback on potential connections to Shepherd Ave. in the area of Westview Ave. and on various intersection configurations at Millsdale Street and Anthony Wayne Ave. ODOT is currently creating a report which will gather more information on how the new alternative could impact private property, public parks, historic sites, streams and wetlands, habitat, landfills/other regulated sites.
This study, along with your input, will determine how to move forward with improvements to I-75. In accordance with the Office of Environmental Services, we will be offering both an in-person and virtual public meeting.
How can I learn more about the project?
There are a variety of ways you can learn more about the project. You can:
- Review exhibits and project information by clicking on the documents located in the sidebar of this webpage under "Documents"
- View the official ODOT project webpage with information about all of the Thru the Valley phases (link provided in project description above)
- Watch the virtual public meeting presentation at your leisure below
How can I submit comments or questions?
- Submit online below by either hitting the green continue button at the very bottom of the page or clicking on the tab that says "Your Feedback"
- Email the Environmental Project Manager: Keith Smith, Keith.Smith@dot.ohio.gov
- Call Keith: 513-933-6590
- Mail a comment form (located for download in the sidebar of this webpage) or letter to:
Ohio Department of Transportation, District 8
Attn: Keith Smith
505 S. State Route 741
Lebanon, Ohio 45036
Comments may be submitted until Friday, April 1, 2022! All comments carry equal weight, no matter how they are submitted.
Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you.
Project Background
- 2004-2010 study (Thru the Valley) developed different alternatives to improve I-75 from Paddock Road to I-275
- The project was divided into eight phases for construction (see right)
- Phase 7 was absorbed into adjacent phases once the project was phased for construction
- Phase 5 and 6 proposed four lanes for I-75 northbound and four lanes for I-75 southbound (see below "Original Alignment")
- The project was divided into eight phases for construction (see right)
- During the design process for Phase 6, the Project Team became aware of additional costs and impacts not known during alternative development including relocating overhead electrical transmission lines, property/bridge impacts, and a 6-year construction time
- Considering the vacant land along the I-75 southbound split, ODOT decided to investigate a new alternative (see below "New Unified Alignment - Alternative 1") to unify the interstate along the I-75 southbound alignment.
- Feasibility Study for the new alternative was completed in 2020 and determined the new alternative would:
- Impact fewer buildings
- Can be constructed in a shorter time
- Can save approximately $60 million in construction costs
Public Meeting for I-75 Improvement Project (Phase 5 and 6)
We value your input!
Please join us for a public meeting to discuss this proposed project.
We will begin with a live presentation at 12:00 p.m. followed by an interactive question and comment session.
Registration is not required to attend but having your contact information will help us provide you with project updates and responses to questions and comments.
What do you think?