Question title

Below are major categories funded by the City's share of property taxes. Please note, the following are not included as the City is not the primary service provider: public health services; parks and recreation; homeless services; public education; social services; and court system/jails. Click to rank highest to lowest by priority, drag and drop to re-order, and click confirm.

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Question title

Listed below are the Strategic Priorities identified by Charlotte's City Council. Click to rank highest to lowest by priority, drag and drop to re-order, and click confirm.

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Question title

Within the Strategic Priority areas, City Council has developed several key initiatives. Click to rank highest to lowest by priority, drag and drop to re-order, and click confirm.

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Question title

If you were to reallocate existing funding to new or enhanced programs or services, which of these areas would you be willing to reduce current service levels?

Economic Development (Workforce and Business Development)
Garbage, Recycling, and Yard Waste Collection
Affordable Housing
Technological Innovation for City Services
Planning, Design, and Development (land use, including land development permitting and rezoning)
Fire Protection and First Responder Medical Services
Police Protection
Transportation (e.g., roads, sidewalks, bike pathways, street lights)
Environment and Sustainability
Closed to responses

Question title

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are wide-ranging and have touched every community in our City. Please select the top three initiatives you would prefer to see continued/implemented to alleviate the negative impacts of COVID-19.

Aid for residents particularly harmed by COVID-19 (e.g., rental assistance, aid with paying utilities)
Aid for small businesses impacted by COVID-19
Investments in workforce development and re-skilling
Investments to reduce the digital divide (e.g., expand access to public Wifi)
Assistance to the local homeless population and/or residents at risk of homelessness
Mental health and substance abuse assistance
Investments to reduce or respond to violent crime
Support for arts and culture initiatives
Closed to responses

Question title

Please provide any additional thoughts you have about which services and programs the City should be prioritizing as part of the FY 2023 budget.

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Question title

Please use the space below to provide feedback on other types of community engagement you would like to see within the budgeting process.

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Question title

If you would like to receive periodic updates about the budget process, please enter your e-mail address below.