I-475 East/West Improvement Project
I-475 East/West Improvement Project
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is working to make travel safer and easier along I-475 in Lucas County between U.S. 23 and Douglas Road in the Toledo Metropolitan Area. Proposed improvements will address safety and congestion along this portion of I-475. Public involvement is an important part of project development and input received will help guide the decisions we make. This website was created to share information and gather public feedback about the project. Your comments about this project are welcome at any time.
A public open house was held on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, from 2-7 PM at the Epworth United Methodist Church at 4855 W. Central Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, 43615. A formal presentation was given for attendees and representatives were available during the entire open house to answer questions. Videos of the presentations given and all materials shared at the meeting are available under the "Project Documents" section of this website. Interested persons are encouraged to review the project documents on this page.
At the meeting, ODOT was pleased to announce that the latest design for this project will not involve the relocation of any residents. Comments received from the public urged ODOT’s team to continue pursuing a design that would avoid the need to take homes in the project corridor. Note that the amended Feasibility Study Report (May 2023) (see the Project Documents section on this page) shows an earlier design that included residential relocations and other design features that have since been updated. ODOT will continue to examine our design based on public comments received from this public open house and will ensure the public has an opportunity to continue to participate in the project (see Next Steps on this page).
A second public open house was held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, from 2-7 PM at the Epworth United Methodist Church (4855 W. Central Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, 43615). At this meeting, the project team shared the recommended preferred alternatives for this project and answered questions. The comment period will be open until Sunday, December 15, 2024.
This project website will be available throughout the course of the I-475 East/West Improvement Project (PID 115418), providing you with information and updates about the project. Click through the blue tabs below to learn more about the project; you can also press the green Continue button at the bottom of each page to advance to the next section. If you would like to view larger versions of any of the graphics, simply click on the image. Copies of project materials, including newsletters, will be posted under the "Project Documents" section, located on the right-hand side of the screen.
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability. The Ohio Department of Transportation is committed to providing access and inclusion, and reasonable accommodation in its services, activities, programs and employment opportunities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws. If you need interpretation or translation services or other reasonable accommodations to review materials or provide comment, please contact David Geckle, Project Manager, at 419-373-4377 or david.geckle@dot.ohio.gov.
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by ODOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 14, 2020, and executed by FHWA and ODOT. For more information, please visit ODOT’s NEPA Assignment Portal by clicking here.
Project Background
Interstate 475 (I-475) is a major thoroughfare through the Greater Toledo Area. The northern portion of I-475 connects Downtown Toledo to its western neighborhoods and suburbs, including Sylvania, Ottawa Hills, and Holland. Additionally, I-475 serves as a link between the major north-south routes of the United States, including U.S. Route 23 (U.S. 23) and Interstate 75 (I-75).
In 2007, the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) began studying I-475 to create a strategic plan and prioritize improvements for the entire length of I-475 in the Toledo Metropolitan Area. This study laid out certain recommendations, some of which have been constructed and others that are still in development. One of the areas with identified recommendations was the section between U.S. 23 and Douglas Road. I-475 currently has three eastbound and three westbound lanes to the east of Douglas Road, but only two lanes traveling each direction west of Douglas Road to U.S. 23. This area of I-475 was further evaluated by ODOT in 2020 through a Planning Study (PID 108778).
The 2020 Study analyzed two alternatives for the project area: adding an additional lane in each direction (three lanes total all the time) and adding a SmartLane in each direction (three lanes total during peak hours only). Additionally, options to convert the partial interchange at Talmadge Road into a full interchange were also studied. The I-475 alternatives along with the Talmadge Road alternatives were shared with the public at a public meeting in August 2020. Based on feedback received on these alternatives, a full interchange at Talmadge Road was removed from further consideration. Other alternatives to improve I-475 were recommended for further analysis.
Following the initial 2020 Study, the I-475 East/West Improvement Project (PID 115418) was established. The project will further examine alternatives recommended from the 2020 Planning Study for improving safety and congestion along this section of I-475. As the proposed project progresses through design and later into construction, information will be shared with the public on this website and through email updates (see the "Subscribe for Updates" tab to sign up). A public meeting was held in October 2023 to provide an introduction of the project to the public. Once the current phase of analysis and design refinements are complete, another public meeting will be held to share the project updates and gather additional feedback; this meeting is anticipated to be held later in 2024. The feedback received will help ODOT as the project design continues to be refined.
Purpose & Need
The purpose of this project is to reduce vehicle congestion and improve safety throughout the northern I-475 corridor in Lucas County, Ohio.
Need Elements
Traffic Congestion Reduction. The I-475 corridor being studied is a highly traveled freeway connecting several sections of the Toledo Metropolitan Area. Level of Service (LOS) is a term to evaluate how well a roadway operates based on measures like vehicle speed, density, and congestion. The evaluations performed on this corridor show that some roadway segments are operating at an average to below-average Level of Service and the conditions are projected to worsen in the future.
Safety. Crash data along this segment of I-475 from 2019-2021 showed that there were almost 300 reported crashes. Over one-third of these crashes were rear end crashes with an additional one-third of the crashes being sideswipe crashes due to passing. Both crash types are indicative of congestion issues.
Secondary Needs
Reconnecting Neighborhoods. I-475 bisected many neighborhoods when it was built in 1968. Where possible, this project aims to incorporate complete streets elements to improve mobility and help reconnect neighborhoods in the area.
Project Milestones
Project Documents
Project Materials
Project Introduction Letter
Public Engagement Plan (revised June 2024)
Project Fact Sheet
Project Fact Sheet (Revised September 2023)
Virtual Community Leaders Presentation (September 5, 2023)
Project Newsletter - Spring 2023
City Council/County Commissioners Presentation (November 18, 2024)
Amended Feasibility Study (May 2023)
Amended Feasibility Study (report text)
Appendix A - Certified Traffic
Appendix B - Crash & Traffic Analyses
Appendix C - Project Cost Analyses
Appendix D - Alternatives Matrix
Appendix E - Preliminary Plans
Appendix F - LOS Exhibits
Appendix G - Purpose & Need Information
Alternative Evaluation Reports (November 2024)
Public Open House - November 12, 2024
Meeting Flyer
Meeting Notice
Comment Form
Meeting Slideshow
ODOT Noise Walls - Informational Flyer
Noise Process Exhibit
Corey Alternative Exhibit
Talmadge Alternative Exhibit
Monroe Alternative Exhibit
Secor Alternative Exhibit
Typical Sections Exhibit
Bridge Cap Plan Concepts
Bridge Cap 3D Renderings
I-475 Westbound Rendering Video
Public Outreach Meeting - October 25, 2023
Meeting Flyer
Meeting Notice
Meeting Presentation
Comment Form
Project Fact Sheet (Revised September 2023)
ODOT NEPA Assignment Flyer
ODOT Noise Walls - Informational Flyer
Right-of-Way Brochure
Corey and Talmadge Alternatives Exhibits
Typical Sections Exhibits
Traffic Exhibits
Video - Public Meeting Presentation #1, 2:30 PM
Video - Public Meeting Presentation #2, 5:30 PM
Public Meeting Summary
Public Comments/Response Summary