Leesville Road Pre-Design Meeting
Leesville Road Pre-Design Meeting
The City is planning on widening Leesville Road to a two-lane divided roadway from Westgate Road to Oneal Road with a median and turn lanes appropriately placed. The project will improve the traffic flow and create a safe roadway section for all modes of transportation.
Planned improvements include:
- Medians;
- Multi-use path on both sides of the street;
- Curb and gutter;
- Landscaping; and,
- Streetlights.
Public involvement is an integral part of the project development process. The City of Raleigh encourages public involvement during transportation projects.
Your feedback is important to us. We consider the comments and responses to the online survey, and our design team does their best to address them.
Please provide all feedback before Feb. 16, 2020.
The proposed design improves the road to one lane in each direction with landscaped medians and intermittent turn lanes. The design also includes a multi-use path on both sides of the roadway to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians.
The goal of the project is to provide a safe roadway corridor that meets the needs of all modes of transportation along the corridor. The below image shows the base design for the proposed project.
Please note whether you prefer the base design or the alternative
Leesville Road to Oneal Road
Median - Base Design
Left-over - Alternative