Question title

* What tree protections, if any, should the new ordinance include for existing single-family residences?

While the majority of Greenville's tree canopy is located within single-family residential zones, the City's current tree protection ordinance does not include any protections for trees on existing single-family lots with homes on them.

The same protections that apply to new developments
Less restrictive protections than the ones that apply to new developments
No protections
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Question title

* Should the fees suggested for the fee-in-lieu program in the new ordinance be increased, decreased or remain as suggested?

The replacement requirement for large trees in the City's current ordinance is well below the standards of most other cities. Increased fees that would be applied to new development and used to maintain and expand the current tree canopy are suggested for the new ordinance. Fees would be based on the market rate for tree replacement.

Remain as suggested
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Question title

* Should the new ordinance allow an exemption from the tree replacement requirements or fee-in-lieu if a development includes affordable housing?

The new ordinance allows an exemption from the tree replacement requirements or fee-in-lieu if a developer includes an affordable housing component so that the potential costs associated with tree mitigation do not get passed down to the homebuyer.

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Question title

* Which of the following best describes you? Select all that apply.

Residential property owner
Commercial property owner
Other property owner
Concerned citizen
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Question title

* How long have you lived in the City of Greenville?

15+ years
6 to 15 years
2 to 5 years
I don't live in the City of Greenville
Less than 2 years
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Question title

* Please enter your address. Exact locations are not collected.

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Question title

Do you have any additional comments?

Ono ca
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Gary HallIGO / Ono
ReplyAgree2 years ago
Tracy GouetteIgo , Ca
ReplyAgree2 years ago
mary burgerIgo
ReplyAgree2 years ago
John MooreIgo
ReplyAgree2 years ago
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