Bike Map Facility & Amenity Data Collection
Bike Map Facility & Amenity Data Collection
We are confident the data on this map is true and accurate as of when we collected it, but the only thing that is constant is change. Bicycling facilities will be added, surface conditions will change and trail amenities will be added, removed or modified as time goes on. GTC will try to keep up as highway projects incorporate new on-street bike lanes, new amenities are added or move.
As you are out hitting the trails and you discover something different from the map whether it be something we missed or a change that needs to be made, we welcome your corrections. GTC will verify the change and revise the map as quickly as possible.
Use the interactive maps to Add a Point, Draw a Line, upload a picture if you have one, or otherwise provide as much detail as you can. You can always send an email to You will be asked to provide your contact information so we can follow up, but your submissions can be private.
This project is a component of “Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Program” (UPWP Task 5500- Regional Cycling Map Update) and is funded with federal planning funds made available through GTC’s Unified Planning Work Program. Please contact Active Transportation Program Manager David Staas discuss this project.
Send Us Corrections about Bike Facilities
Send Us Corrections about Bike Amenities
What do you think of the Bike Map?
Question title
Please share any general comments you have about the GTC's Greater Rochester Area Bicycling Map, which is a digital tool aimed at the casual bicyclist to promote bicycling as a viable mode of transportation.
Tell us about yourself.
We are always curious about the people who use the transportation system. Would you be willing to share some demographic information about yourself?
Thank you!
Your responses help us understand who we're hearing from and ensure we reach a broad, representative set of voices.