Send Us Corrections about Bike Facilities

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To submit a facility correction, please zoom in on the map and Draw a Line indicating existing bike facilities in the 9-county Genesee Finger Lakes Region. If you have a photo of the facility handy, you can add it to your map point by clicking +Add Attachment on your map point's comment. Please specify in the comment box as much detail as you can including the type of facility, begin and end points, and surface condition (paved, stone dust, crushed stone or unfinished.)

Note: A bicycle facility for this purpose is defined as an  on-street bike lane, cycle track,  bike boulevard, shared use path or trail (paved or unpaved) that connects to an evisioned, complete network that can be used for transportation. This map does not list internal park trails.

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Send Us Corrections about Bike Amenities

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To submit an amenity correction, please zoom in on the map and Add a Point indicating existing bike amenities in the 9-county Genesee Finger Lakes Region. If you have a photo of the amenity handy, you can add it to your map point by clicking +Add Attachment on your map point's comment. Please specify in the comment box if the facility is:

Covered Bike Parking including type (rack under a canopy, bike lockers or locked cage)
Bicycle Repair Station
Bicycle Shop where repair/service are available

Covered bicycle parking includes sheltered bicycle parking areas to protect your bicycle from rain, snow, and sun.

Bicycle repair stations are publicly accessible kiosks outfitted with basic tools for repairing your own bicycle.

Bike shops are specialty retailers that sell and repair bicycles and bicycle accessories.

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Lori MaherThere is a nice area for trail users at the Canal Park here in Brighton. It includes a bike repair station, stone benches, bike racks and wayfinding signs.
ReplyFlagAgree4 years ago

What do you think of the Bike Map? 

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Please share any general comments you have about the GTC's Greater Rochester Area Bicycling Map, which is a digital tool aimed at the casual bicyclist to promote bicycling as a viable mode of transportation.

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ReplyFlagAgree3 years ago

Tell us about yourself.


We are always curious about the people who use the transportation system. Would you be willing to share some demographic information about yourself?

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