164 neighbors shared input on the Phase I survey for Midtown Green Park (available Aug-Oct 2020).

Top priorities for improvements were:

  • Native plants and landscaping (91%)
  • Picnic area (61%)
  • Nature play space (60%)
  • Small stage with electrical hookup (43%)
  • Drinking fountain (43%)

Other themes expressed were:

  1. Maintaining the open, flexible green space for recreation and events
  2. Increasing natural plantings around the perimeter of the park, whether that was more shade trees or flowers for pollinators

You can read all comments and responses on the Phase I survey here:​

Park sign of Midtown Green Park


Comments and priorities from the Phase I survey were used to create a proposed concept for improvements. In this survey, you will be asked to:

  1. Review the concept plans
  2. Rank your priorities for improvements
  3. Provide additional comments.

Thank you for participating in this survey and directing investments to this important public space!