City of Greenville Permitting and Development Survey
City of Greenville Permitting and Development Survey
Evaluating Greenville's procedures and requirements for permitting and land development
The City of Greenville strives to provide excellent customer service to citizens, businesses, developers, community groups, and those living, working, and investing in our community. Whether you are renewing a business license, applying for a sign permit, or constructing a large residential project, the process should be professional and efficient.
In recent years, the City has worked to improve its procedures for application intake and processing; however, we recognize that there are opportunities for improvement. This survey is an essential first step and your feedback will help us determine what we do well and identify areas where we can do better.
Thank you for your time and participation. All responses are anonymous.
Note: This survey is for the City of Greenville only. Please do not include experiences with another city, Greenville County, the State of South Carolina, or other government agency.