Ball Perkins Master Plan - Concept Review
Ball Perkins Master Plan - Concept Review
This survey has closed, however you can still view draft concept plans on this page.
SAVE THE DATE for the next community input session on this project: November 18.
Contact for more information.
Project Background
Ball Perkins Park is an 80-acre green space located at 1675 Perkins Ave. Grand Rapids Parks and Recreation Department is working with NECAA and neighbors to update a master plan for Ball Perkins Park. The plan will identify long-term development opportunities for park improvements such as:
- Access, entryways, and parking needs
- Expanded trail systems and recreational amenities, including bike trails
- Improved accessibility and signage
- Priority areas for preserving and enhancing natural features
We want to hear from you!
Community Input Sesion #1: June 29
Community Input Session #2: October 4
Online survey: October 4 to 18
Community Input Session #3: November 18
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