Question title

1. Please choose the public services you would like the City of San Antonio to prioritize. (Choose your top 3) / Por favor, seleccione los servicios públicos que le gustaría que la Ciudad de San Antonio priorice. (Elija sus tres principales)

Community participation and engagement/Participación y compromiso comunitario
Traffic management and public transportation/Administración del tránsito y transporte público
Food security/Seguridad alimentaria
Affordable housing/Vivienda accesible
Public health/Salud pública
Public safety/Seguridad pública
Accessible City services/Servicios accesibles de la Ciudad
Parks and public spaces/Parques y espacios públicos
Streets, roads, bridges, streetlights/Calles, carreteras, puentes, alumbrado público
Access to the internet and computer skills training/Acceso a Internet y formación en informática
Open data, data dashboards, and data privacy policies/Datos abiertos, registros de datos y políticas de privacidad de datos
Environment and sustainability/Medio ambiente y sustentabilidad
Closed to responses

Question title

2. Below are the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding categories. The Act is a federal investment in America's infrastructure. Please click and drag to rank the below categories from your highest priority to lowest priority. / A continuación, se encuentran las categorías de financiación de la Ley de Inversión en Infraestructura y Empleos. La Ley es una inversión federal en la infraestructura de Estados Unidos. Por favor, haga clic y arrastre para clasificar las siguientes categorías de mayor a menor prioridad.

Closed to responses

Open Date: August 01, 2022

Close Date: November 7, 2022

Stage 1: Community Engagement - Tell the City of San Antonio what ideas you have to make our community a better place. Speak up by taking a quick survey on a variety of topics or meet up with us at upcoming events to learn more about City services and initiatives.

If assistance is needed or you would like more information regarding this survey, please email