North Dupont Road Pedestrian and Streetscape Feasibility Study
North Dupont Road Pedestrian and Streetscape Feasibility Study
The North Dupont Road Pedestrian and Streetscape Feasibility Study is being developed to evaluate the feasibility of and develop conceptual alternatives for improvements to walkability, bikeability, streetscape beautification, and on-street parking in the study area that will improve corridor safety and operational compatibility for all modes of transportation.
The study area is the North Dupont Road corridor between Lancaster Avenue and Edgehill Road in New Castle County.
DelDOT is conducting this study through its Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), which provides funding for projects that improve conditions for walking, rolling, and biking.
The study will evaluate existing conditions in the study area and develop recommendations and improvement concepts to improve the safety of all road users.
Project Contact Information
DelDOT Project Manager: Tom Felice
Phone: 855-925-2801
Project Code (enter when prompted on phone): 6973