North Lamar/Guadalupe Corridor Mobility Plan
North Lamar/Guadalupe Corridor Mobility Plan
The City of Austin is creating a Corridor Mobility Plan for the North Lamar Boulevard/Guadalupe Street corridors, funded by the 2016 Mobility Bond. A Corridor Mobility Plan is a preliminary engineering report with recommendations to improve safety, mobility, and connectivity. The limits of the North Lamar Boulevard/Guadalupe Street Corridor Mobility Plan are between Lady Bird Lake to US 183 for the North Lamar portion and from 29th Street to North Lamar Boulevard for the Guadalupe portion. Improvements identified in the plan may be funded for design and construction as future funding sources become available.
The input you provide will help shape recommended improvements along North Lamar Boulevard/Guadalupe Street. Once recommendations are drafted, we will come back to the community for your feedback on recommendations before they're finalized.
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