Welcome to the PlanRC Considering Our Options Virtual Workshop! The City of Rancho Cucamonga is updating its General Plan and we want to hear your ideas about how we should shape our future. This workshop is an alternative for those that were not able to join us for one of the live virtual community discussions offered the week of November 16th. 

During our previous workshops in Spring and Summer of 2020, community members shared thoughts on the long-term vision for Rancho Cucamonga. From community input received, three alternative scenarios for the future development of the City have been crafted. This round of workshop allows us to gauge your thoughts and feelings on the alternative scenarios. From your participation in this online survey and input we receive during the live virtual discussions; we will develop policy solutions to guide the vision of Rancho Cucamonga. 

Please note that although we are asking for your opinions on three separate scenarios, we are not asking you to choose between them. Please share your opinion on each individual concept by answering the questions belowThe final vision for the City could take the best features of all three scenarios and combine them into a single, unified plan alternative. The final option will be adopted as part of the City's General Plan Update, PlanRC and establishes the City's vision and priorities for the next 20-25 years.

Please take your time and have fun considering options for the future of Rancho Cucamonga! 

To get started, please watch the videos below. The first video is an overview and background on PlanRC. If you are familiar with the process and have participated before, you may wish to go skip this first video. However, please watch the second video, Considering Our Options: Citywide Land Use Scenarios video before taking the survey. 


As described in the video, all three land use scenarios aspire to meet the City’s core values of Health, Equity and Stewardship, and all three scenarios use the same assumptions for development targets that meet the needs of future generations.  The primary differences between each scenario are summarized with the questions below.  We want to hear from you on how and where RC plans for the future over the next 20 years, and what factors are most important to you when discussing how we change?

Question title

1. Scenario A disperses future growth and housing investment most evenly across the City. What do you like about Scenario A? Check all that apply.

1. Scenario A disperses future growth and housing investment most evenly across the City. What do you like about Scenario A? Check all that apply.
It relates to community input ​
Future reinvestment/change is spread throughout different areas of the City
It provides more housing choices in existing neighborhoods
It adds some walkable shops and services in existing neighborhoods
I like that it increases some housing choices along Haven corridor
I like that it increases some housing choices along Foothill corridor
The character/images shown are what I'd like to see in the future
None of the above ​​
Closed to responses

Question title

2. How do you feel about Scenario A?

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Question title

3. Scenario B focuses future growth and housing investment along the Foothill and Haven corridors in the southern portion of the City, with centers of mixed use and housing at Victoria Gardens and the Metrolink Station area. What do you like about Scenario B? Check all that apply.

3. Scenario B focuses future growth and housing investment along the Foothill and Haven corridors in the southern portion of the City with centers of mixed use and housing at Victoria Gardens and the Metrolink Station area. What do you like about Scenario B? Check all that apply.
It relates to community input ​​
Future reinvestment/change is more focused along the Foothill and Haven corridors and at Victoria Gardens and Metrolink Station
It provides more housing choices, retail, and jobs along Haven
It provides more housing choices, retail, and jobs along Foothill
It provides more housing choices, retail, and jobs at Victoria Gardens
It provides more housing choices, retail, and job around the Metrolink
The character/images shown are what I'd like to see in the future
None of the above
Closed to responses

Question title

4. How do you feel about Scenario B?

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Question title

5. Scenario C also focuses future reinvestment and growth along the Foothill and Haven corridors, but is most focused at Victoria Gardens and the Metrolink Station area. What do you like about Scenario C? Check all that apply.

5. Scenario C also focuses future reinvestment and growth along the Foothill and Haven corridors but is most focused at Victoria Gardens and the Metrolink Station area. What do you like about Scenario C? Check all that apply.
It relates to community input ​
Future reinvestment/change is more focused along the Foothill and Haven corridors and most focused at Victoria Gardens and Station
It provides even more housing choices, retail, and jobs at Victoria Gardens
It provides even more housing choices, retail, and jobs at Metrolink areas
I like the idea of creating a "downtown" at Victoria Gardens and Metrolink Station
The character/images shown are what I'd like to see in the future
None of the above ​
Closed to responses

Question title

6. How do you feel about Scenario C?

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Question title

7. All three scenarios will focus on improved bus, bike and pedestrian facilities. Which of the following new transit choices would you like to see as an option in the future for areas in and around Rancho Cucamonga?

Streetcar mixed in with the regular flow of traffic
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) with its own designated travel lane
A Light Rail train with a fixed rail line along major corridors
All of the above
None of the above
Closed to responses

Question title

8. Which of the following were most influential in your evaluation of the Scenarios? Select up to three.

Protecting the natural environment and resources
Providing for a wide array of housing choice to allow people to stay in town
Supporting new transit opportunities
Providing for economic development and job growth
Increasing citywide equity and health
Providing for walkable shops and restaurants
Supporting outdoor recreation and open space/parks
Improving quality of life
Closed to responses

Question title

9. Is there anything else you would like to share with us regarding these scenarios or the overall general plan update?

Closed for Comments


Question title

How did you hear about the PlanRC Virtual Workshop?

Please check all that apply.

City website
City's eNewsletter or email
City's social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Nextdoor)
Friend/family member
I inquired with the City to see if there were participation opportunities
Flyer or poster
Closed to responses

Question title

Have you participated in any of the previous PlanRC public engagement activities?

Please select one option.

Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following best describes you?

Please select one option.

I live in Rancho Cucamonga
I work in Rancho Cucamonga
I live and work in Rancho Cucamonga
I do not live or work in Rancho Cucamonga
Other (e.g. Visiting, shopping, school)
Closed to responses

Question title

If you live in the City, please select the area in the City in which you live. If you have more than one residence in the City, please pick your primary residence.

Question title

With which race do you most identify? Please select all that apply.

Black or African American
White or Caucasian
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Asian or Asian American
Other - Please identify
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select your ethnicity. Select all that apply.
Hispanic / Latino / Latina

Central American
Mexican / Mexican American / Chicano
Puerto Rican
South American
Other Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity
No Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity
Closed to responses

Question title

Please select your ethnicity. Select all that apply.
Non Hispanic / Latino / Latina

African American
Asian Indian / South Asian / Indian
Eastern European
Middle Eastern
More than one ethnicity
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your gender/sex? Please select one.

Prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your age? Please select one.

Under 19
19 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 and over
Closed to responses