Hotel Development (including Council Work Sessions)
Hotel Development (including Council Work Sessions)
UPDATE: October 14, 2020
Asheville City Council to hold a work session on hotel moratorium from 2:30-4:30 pm on October 27.
UPDATE: September 21, 2020
Asheville City Council to hold a work session on hotel moratorium from 2:30-4:30 pm on October 13.
UPDATE: September 4, 2020
On Tuesday, September 8, City of Asheville Council will need to vote to extend hotel moratorium. More information is available here.
UPDATE: August 28, 2020
Based on the findings of a hotel development study, which included an analysis of hotel impacts, recommendations by the Urban Land Institute and extensive public engagement, following the adoption of a temporary moratorium on hotel development in September, 2019, city staff have released a proposal for new hotel development standards. This proposal includes three primary components, outlined below:
New hotel development requirements, restricting hotels to appropriate areas with zoning standards designed to offset impacts and meet key community goals;
A strong incentive to incorporate high priority public benefits, such as affordable housing, living wages and green building elements into a hotel project; and,
A design review process that promotes (or preserves) quality architecture and building design, and enhances placemaking.
The proposed ordinances will be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting at 5:00 pm. September 2, 2020. For more information following this link: Planning and Zoning Commission
To review the revised map follow this link: Hotel Districts Map
To review the proposed ordinances and supporting documents following these links.
Survey Background: In September 2019, the Asheville City Council approved a hotel moratorium, pausing hotel development to allow the city time to rethink hotel policy and regulations in the city. Based on recommendations from the Urban Land Institute through the Technical Assistance Panel process, the Department of Planning & Urban Design is in the process of drafting a new ordinance to guide hotel development. This survey is being conducted to engage the community in this process.
The survey is now closed. Thank you for your input.
Work Session on Proposed Hotel Development Regulations
Meeting will begin at 2:30PM.
City Council Hotel Development Worksession
Meeting will begin at 2:30PM.
To review the entire draft code as proposed, follow this hyperlink: Draft Section 7-9-7 Hotel Overlay District
Hotel Development Project Page:
To learn more about this project, visit the Hotel Development study website.
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