Section 1 of 3: Your Relationship To The Study Area

The following questions will help the planning team understand your relationship with the study area and your current travel choices. 

Question title

* What is the 5-digit zip code where you live?

Question title

* What is the 5-digit zip code where you work or go to school?

Please respond to these next questions based on your working and traveling patterns disregarding COVID-19 impacts.

Question title

* Do you live, work or attend school in the study area shown in grey on the map?

Do you live work or attend school in the study area shown in grey on the map?
No-I don't live, work or go to school in the area
I live in the study area BUT don't go to work/school there
I go to work/school in the study area BUT I don't live there
I live AND go to work/school in the study area
Closed to responses

Question title

* How often do you travel to/through the grey study area?
Choose the best option for you.

How often do you travel to/through the grey study area? Choose the best option for you.
Daily or almost every day
At least once per week
At least once or twice per month
A few times per year
Never travel into that area
Closed to responses

Question title

* How often do you walk, bike or otherwise travel without a car in the study area?

How often do you walk bike or otherwise travel without a car in the study area?
Daily or almost every day
At least once per week
At least once per month
A few times per year
Never walk or bike in the area
Closed to responses

Question title

* How often do you ride the bus or use other transit services?

Daily or almost every day
At least once per week
At least once per month
A few times per year
Never use transit services
Closed to responses

Section 2 of 3: Your Vision for a New Bus Service

The following questions will help refine and finalize the priorities of a Southern Corridor rapid bus extension service.  

Question title

* Goal: Provide access to local and regional destinations and major activity centers.
Select the 3 Priorities that are most important to you.

Connect to local employment centers (within the study area)
Connect to regional employment centers (outside of the study area)
Connect to daily activities (grocery, retail, healthcare, and education facilities)
Connect to transfer opportunities between different travel modes (other bus routes, trains, airplanes, etc.)
Support economic development through connectivity with planned land-uses and transit-oriented development
Closed to responses

Question title

* Goal: Improve access to transit services.
Select the 1 Priority most important to you.

Connect transit-dependent riders with transit services
Connect communities without access to transit
Locate stations and stops in areas to reach a wide range of potential transit users
Closed to responses

Question title

* Goal: Ensure safety and compatibility with the surrounding environment.
Select the 1 Priority most important to you.

Transit-specific infrastructure to improve service speed and reliability
Impacts to environmental resources
Station area and travel safety by all modes
Closed to responses

Question title

* Goal: Develop an efficient and sustainable service.
Select the 2 Priorities that are most important to you.

Provide a reliable, convenient and competitive alternative to driving
Cost to build and operate the service
Attract new transit riders
Provide rapid bus solutions that are scalable/can grown with future needs
Closed to responses

Question title

Would you like to suggest any additional priorities that should be addressed as part of this study?

Closed for Comments

Section 3 of 3: Who is Taking This Survey

People who live in, travel to, and through the study area represent a wide variety of age groups, backgrounds, income levels, etc. Please answer these optional questions to help us understand who our audience is, how best to reach other community members, and to help ensure that the survey responses represent the full diversity of the study area and travel market. 

Question title

How did you hear about this survey?

Social Media Post
Email Notice
CAMPO Website
Study Website
Word of Mouth/Meeting Announcement
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your age group?

Less than 18
65 and older
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your gender?

Non-Binary/3rd Gender
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your household income range?

Less than $20,000
$125,000 of greater
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your race/ethnicity?

Black/African American
American Indian/Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Two or more races
Closed to responses