Breweries, Wineries, Distilleries, Cideries in CX District (TC-14-21)
Breweries, Wineries, Distilleries, Cideries in CX District (TC-14-21)
BREWERIES, WINERIES, DISTILLERIES, CIDERIES IN CX DISTRICT (TC-14-21): This text change proposes to modify the existing regulations for breweries, wineries, distilleries, and cideries and to permit the use within the Commercial Mixed Use zoning district (CX) with associated use standards. Read the full ordinance online.
Background information:
Currently, breweries, wineries, distilleries, and cideries are permitted as a principal use in the Industrial Mixed Use (IX-) and Heavy Industrial (IH-) districts and as limited use in the Downtown
Mixed-Use District (DX-). Within the Downtown Mixed Used district (DX-), the use is required to adhere to use standards prohibiting the distribution of any quantity of beer, wine, or spirits off-premises as well as the outdoor storage of materials associated with the production of beer, wine or spirits.
Proposed Text Change:
The intent of this text change is to expand where breweries, wineries, distilleries, and cideries are permitted to operate by allowing the use within Commercial Mixed Use (CX-) zoning district. The text change proposes to attach two use standards concerning distribution limits and required incidental uses to Breweries, Wineries, Distilleries, and Cideries that operate in the CX- or DX- district. The use standards are as follows:
- The facility shall include one or more of the following accessory uses: a tasting room, taproom, restaurant, or retail use incidental to the operation which is open and accessible to the public.
- The facility shall produce less than 15,000 US beer or cider barrels (460,000 US gallons) or 75,000 US gallons of wine or spirit per year.
Public Meeting Schedule:
This text change is scheduled for a Planning Commission meeting in October. The Commission may act on that date or refer to their Text Change Committee for further discussion. We will be collecting comments here through October 19. Comments after this date should be submitted directly to Justin Bucher via email.