State Route 3 (Cleveland Avenue) & Hudson Street Intersection Improvements
State Route 3 (Cleveland Avenue) & Hudson Street Intersection Improvements
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Scroll down to click on the window below to watch a video recording of the public meeting. The recording includes a project presentation followed by a question and comment session.
The selected design alternative for the project is Alternative 3 - widening Cleveland Avenue equally to both sides of the roadway. This design would add an additional 5 feet to Cleveland Avenue on both the east and west sides of Cleveland Avenue. An exhibit showing Alternative 3 is included for your reference. Alternative 3 is expected to require property acquisition from 13 parcels and will impact 3 buildings on the northwest corner of the intersection, resulting in potential business relocations. However, of the alternatives considered, Alternative 3 represents the least building impacts while still meeting the purpose and need of the project. Attached is an exhibit showing the intersection improvements proposed in Alternative 3.
The next phase of this project will include the development of detailed engineering plans for Alternative 3. After knowing, with certainty, the amount of property that is needed, the ODOT District 6 Real Estate Office or their consultants will contact property owners directly regarding the property acquisition process. Property acquisition is expected to begin in spring of 2022. Construction is expected to begin in spring of 2024.
How Can You Participate?
Use the tabs below to review project information. Please click the green Continue button or the tabs to advance through the information. Project information is also available on the ODOT Project website at and enter the project PID (110587) in the search bar.
While the deadline has passed for comments to be considered during the design phase of the project, you may continue to submit comments or questions via email, phone, or mail to:
Kelsey Vandia, Project Manager
ODOT District 6 (PID 110587)
400 E. William Street, Delaware, OH 43015
Phone: 740-833-8083
Public Meeting for State Route 3 (Cleveland Avenue) & Hudson Street Intersection Improvements (FRA-3-19.38 PID 110587)
We value your input!
Click on the window below to watch a video recording of the public meeting.
The recording includes a project presentation followed by a question and comment session.
Registration is not required to attend but having your contact information will help us provide you with project updates and responses to questions and comments.
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) District 6 and the City of Columbus are proposing improvements at the intersection of State Route (SR) 3 (Cleveland Avenue) and Hudson Street in the Linden neighborhood in the City of Columbus, Clinton Township, Franklin County, Ohio.
The proposed project will add turn lanes to both Cleveland Avenue and Hudson Street, to help improve traffic flows at the intersection. Cleveland Avenue will be widened to meet ODOT design standards for minimum lane widths on this type of roadway. The project may require acquisition of right-of-way at all four quadrants of the intersection, and could impact multiple buildings and may require multiple business relocations.
This project also includes new traffic signals, construction of a new storm sewer system, catch basins, overhead signal work, curbs, and gutter sections to better control drainage on the pavement and meet current ODOT and City of Columbus design standards.
Cleveland Avenue and Hudson Street meet at a 67-degree angle. The speed limit on both roads is 35 miles per hour. Left turns are prohibited from Cleveland Avenue with the exception of buses heading north. Right turns on red are prohibited between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M. for motorists traveling south on Cleveland Avenue and east on Hudson Street. On-street parking is prohibited near the intersection. CMAX bus stops are located north and south of the intersection on Cleveland Avenue and traditional bus stops are located on Hudson Street along the west side of Cleveland Avenue. Buildings closely border the sidewalk in several areas. The surrounding area is primarily residential with some commercial buildings, schools, and churches.
Additional, separate projects currently in development that are near the Cleveland/Hudson Intersection Improvement include:
- Constructing the Linden Recreation Center on Briarwood Avenue.
- Hudson Street Improvements: The City of Columbus is currently completing design for the reconstruction of Hudson Street between I-71 and Cleveland Avenue. The reconstruction will include installing new curb, sidewalk on the north side, a shared use path on the south side, street trees, new traffic signals, storm sewers, a new 24” water main, and new ADA curb ramps at intersections. Construction on the project is expected to begin in early 2022.
The City of Columbus is currently conducting an evaluation of the greater Linden area called Slow Streets. Slow Streets is an assessment of parking, street widths, current traffic directions (one-way or two-way), signs, speed, volume, sight distance, and crash data. As part of the overall Slow Streets project, the City is proposing left turn lanes for traffic on Cleveland Avenue to turn on to Hudson Street. Currently, traffic that desires to turn left from Cleveland Avenue on to Hudson Street must do so on an adjacent residential street. The lack of left turn lanes has likely led to crashes at these residential intersections. The City expects that these turn lanes will reduce cut through traffic on the adjacent residential streets. More information of the Slow Streets Project can be found on the City of Columbus website at The left turn lanes proposed as part of the Slow Streets evaluation have been incorporated into the Cleveland Avenue and Hudson Street intersection improvement project.
A Safety Study was completed for the Cleveland Avenue and Hudson Street intersection by consultants Lanham Engineering and Burgess & Niple in August 2019. The Safety Study assessed the crash data for the existing intersection and proposed roadway improvements that can be constructed to improve safety at the intersection. For more information on the crash data and the results of the study, go to the Project Purpose tab. A copy of the Safety Study is available for download in the Documents Section in the sidebar of this webpage.
A Feasibility Study is currently being prepared for the Cleveland Avenue and Hudson Street intersection improvements project by consultant Kimley Horn. The Feasibility Study is evaluating three (3) possible alternative roadway designs that would improve safety at this intersection, as well as the No-Build Alternative, which would leave the intersection in its existing condition. The 3 alternative designs are based on the recommendations in the 2019 Safety Study. The alternatives are being compared based on the following main factors:
- Improve safety
- Reduce congestion
- Impacts to adjacent properties
- Total cost (including property acquisition and construction)
Based on this comparison, and the input received from the public on their review of the No Build Alternative and the three (3) design alternatives, the Feasibility Study will result in a Preferred Alternative. The Preferred Alternative will have to balance meeting the needs of the project while minimizing impacts to properties and total project costs. For more information on the alternatives assessment, go to the Alternatives Considered tab.