Question title

* 1. Which of these activities do you participate in frequently? Check all that apply.

Sports and Fitness
Activities at 55+ Centers
Virtual 55+ Programming
I don't participate in 55+ programs
Other (please specify)
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2. Because I participate in these activities . . .

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3. What type of 55+ virtual programming would you like to see more of?

Educational presentations (various topics)
Sports and Fitness
Nutrition and demos
Travel presentations
Interactive games
Discussion groups and/or general group meetings
Social events and special events/programs
55+ YouTube videos
Other (please specify in comment box below)
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4. For you, which 3 from this list are most important as benefits? Please mark your top 3 answers.

I am better able to follow a healthy lifestyle.
I exercise more often.
My health is better as a result of participating.
My mind is stimulated by mental challenges and opportunities to learn.
I enjoy a better quality of life.
I enjoy social contact with people in the programs.
I can get information about services I may need.
The activities lift my spirits.
I feel more involved in Arlington community life.
I am less likely to feel lonely or depressed.
The programs help me manage chronic health conditions (such as arthritis, heart disease, or diabetes).
I will be better able to maintain my current lifestyle.
Virtual programs allow me to connect when I can not participate in person.
Other (please specify)
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5. Will you tell us how participating in Arlington 55+ Programs is making a difference in your life?

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6. Age:

I prefer not to answer
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7. Gender:

Other (not listed)
I prefer not to answer
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8. If you would like to receive updates on this topic and other related government information, please share your name, email address and phone number below.

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Would you like us to reach back out to you about this feedback form?

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Will you tell us how participating in Arlington 55+ Programs is making a difference in your life?

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