If you missed the first focus group discussion Tuesday, March 9, complete the survey below and check out the recording at the bottom of the page!

Thank you for your interest in the Congress Heights Small Area Plan and the Parks, Streets, and Public Realm focus area.

This focus area focuses addresses the public realm--that is the shared public and spaces in the community where you recreate and gather, and the experiences you have there. This includes parks, street life, and the characteristics that make them comfortable or uncomfortable.

Start providing critical feedback by scrolling down and answering the survey questions below. Your feedback will be critical in shaping the direction of this plan and future plan recommendations.

After completing this survey, you can explore other focus areas and complete additional surveys by returning to our project home page.

Congress Heights Day Parade

What We've Heard

Over a series of meetings, research activities, and surveying, we have heard the following challenges and community priorities. Take a look and tell us if this is a summary you can get behind.


  • Poor maintenance of public spaces reflects institutional disinvestment and reinforces ideas that this community is undesirable.
  • Pedestrian facilities and streetscapes are poorly maintained, and inhospitable to residents who need them most.
  • Recreational parks in the community are undermaintained, particularly compared to community parks West of the River.
  • Residents in need of dedicated recreational space often rely on parks that are often unwelcoming, unsafe, or not programmed for community use.
  • Youth-oriented rec spaces that have closed over time have not been replaced, leaving a gap in services.
  • Because public space assets such as public wifi, electricity, and lighting are missing, already-stretched community organizations bear the additional costs of activating public space with community events.
  • Community spaces that encourage day-long use do not feature public restrooms.
  • COVID-19 programming for outdoor dining has so far been inaccessible to local businesses.
  • Current public services and policies do not address ongoing drug sales and unsafe behaviors in public spaces. These disadvantage local businesses, particularly along MLK, Jr. Ave SE, and economic development overall.

Question title

Do these reflect the challenges you are facing and the issues you believe the plan should focus on? If not, please let us know what is missing, below! We will continue to update this list as we receive feedback from you.

Closed for Comments

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How safe do you feel in the following locations? If you would like to share why, please do so in the comment box, below.

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Question title

Prior to COVID-19, were you and members of your household able to participate in active recreation activities (e.g. sport, physical wellness, outdoor play, etc.) as often as you would like?

Closed to responses | 22 Responses

Question title

Since COVID-19, are you and members of your household able to participate in active recreation activities (e.g. sport, physical wellness, outdoor play, etc.) as often as you would like?

Closed to responses | 22 Responses

Question title

About how much time do you spend doing moderately-intense physical activity each week (e.g. walking, biking, fitness classes, or other recreational activities that increase the heart-rate)?

Fewer than 30 minutes
30 minutes to 1 hour
1 hour to 3 hours
More than 3 hours
Closed to responses

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Where do you typically spend time recreating and socializing in your community?

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What park, recreational, or cultural venues have your household primarily visited?

Select all that apply.

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What challenges prevent you from participating in active recreation as often as you would like?

Check all that apply.

Lack of personal time/too busy
Lack of desired facilities
Lack of desired programs or offered at an inconvenient time
Programs and facilities too expensive
Concern about public safety
Lack of transportation
Personal health problems/disability/age
Lack of child care
None of these
Closed to responses

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Where are your favorite parks and public spaces and what makes them special? Please drop pins, add comments, and add images showcasing your favorite parks and public spaces.

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Is there anything else you would like the project team to know about Parks, Streets, and Public Space in Congress Heights?

Closed for Comments

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Please provide your contact information for future meeting and other project updates.

The Congress Heights Small Area Plan is led by the Office of Planning (OP). The plan is managed by: 

  • Valecia Wilson, Ward 7 and 8 Planner, Project Manager
  • Faith Broderick, Community Planner, Assistant Project Manager

Questions? Reach out to us online at CongressHeightsPlan@dc.gov or on the phone at 855-925-2801 (pin: 9965). We looking forward to hearing from you.