Question title

* How would you rate the proposed early voting plan above?

Do not approve this plan
Approve plan but with significant changes
Approve plan with minor changes
Approve plan as is
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Question title

What aspects of the plan do you like?

Closed for Comments
Please keep this in place, *especially* weekend voting! The idea of "an election day" was created when the world was a very different place, and the communities to which it applied where a small fraction of their current size. Every legal voter deserves to have their voice heard!
ReplyFlag12 Agree2 years ago
The mall, either Asheville or Outlet is so much easier than the library for parking and accessibility.
ReplyFlag5 Agree2 years ago
The library sites are fine
Flag8 Agree2 years ago
Flag2 Agree2 years ago
Include 2 weekends, not just one. People who work are juggling a lot of things. Give them 2 opportunities to vote.
ReplyFlag2 Agree2 years ago
Wide variety of locations
ReplyFlag2 Agree2 years ago
Good spread of locations throughout the county. Want North Asheville site to be on Merrimon with access to public transportation. Want 2nd South Asheville site to be on public transportation route.
ReplyFlag2 Agree2 years ago

Question title

What aspects of the plan do you not like?

Closed for Comments
Longer hours on the weekend please.
Reply8 Agree2 years ago
It might be good to have a Downtown site. Nearest is Wesley Grant which isn't really Downton. What about Senior Center or maybe the Mall ??
Reply5 Agree2 years ago
There are no places downtown. I would like to see a voting place at the Harrah Center , the building that was used on Coxe or the downtown library. With the locations you have, I won’t be participating.
Reply5 Agree2 years ago
Need longer weekend hours.
Reply5 Agree2 years ago
I think offering 7 days of early voting, including 2 weekend days, is great. More hours on the weekend would be better though - maybe 10am -6pm?
Reply2 Agree2 years ago
There will be more than 7 days
Agree2 years ago

Question title

In which area of Buncombe County do you live?

North (i.e. North Asheville, Woodfin, Weaverville)
East (i.e. East Asheville, Swannanoa, Black Mountain)
West (i.e. West Asheville, Enka, Candler, Leicester)
South (i.e. South Asheville, Skyland, Arden)
Downtown Asheville Area
Closed to responses | 236 Responses

Question title

Do you have additional comments for the Board of Elections to consider?

Closed for Comments
I have voted in Buncombe since 1986 and have nothing but praise for the board and the many good election workers I have encountered.
ReplyFlag9 Agree2 years ago
With the many seniors, some disabled, living in the Battery and Vanderbilt apartments, the many workers in the city, along with the downtown residents, we need downtown voting.
ReplyFlag9 Agree2 years ago
Please provide whatever the workers need in terms of security to feel safe.
ReplyFlag7 Agree2 years ago
With the many seniors living in the Battery and Vanderbilt apartments, workers in the city and downtown residents, we need voting here too.
ReplyFlag4 Agree2 years ago
The Wesley Center is NOT downtown! How about something on Haywood Road like the Civic Center that workers can walk to?
ReplyFlag2 Agree2 years ago

View the full 2022 Buncombe County Midterm Elections packet in the documents section below.