Cameron Park NCOD (TC-21-21)
Cameron Park NCOD (TC-21-21)
Cameron Park NCOD (TC-21-21): This text change proposes amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) that would modify the existing regulations to the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) for the Cameron Park Neighborhood. Read the full draft ordinance online.
Background information:
NCODs are intended to preserve the built character of an existing neighborhood through specific context-based regulations that can be more or less restrictive than the base zoning district. There are currently 21 NCODs within Raleigh. Cameron Park was first established in 2006 and its regulations were later modified in 2010 and 2017.
On February 25, 2021, a member of the public filed a text change application proposing amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) that would modify the existing Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) for the Cameron Park neighborhood.
Current Rules:
Current regulations allow lot areas to be a maximum of 21,779 square feet and stipulates that the front yard setback is within 10% of the average front yard setback of houses on the same block face. Also, no portion of any garage or carport shall protrude beyond the primary façade of the principal structure. Side yard setbacks are required to be within 5 feet of the average side yard setback and corner side yard setback of other properties on the block face, but no less than 5 feet; side and rear yard setbacks for accessory structures must be a minimum of 3 feet.
Proposed Text Change:
The proposed text change would:
- Reduce the maximum lot size from 21,779 square feet to 10,000 square feet. Maximum lot size would only apply to lots created through recombination.
- Institute a new minimum lot size of 4,000 square feet for townhouse lots and 6,000 square feet for non-townhouse lots.
- Require a front yard setback within 20% of the average front yard setback of houses on the same block face. In no instance may the front yard setback be less than 20’. Currently, the front yard setback must be within 10% of the average front yard setback of houses on the same block face – there is no minimum except as set forth in the base district.
- Require garage entrances along a side street building elevation to be setback 5’ instead of 10’ from the adjoining façade.
- Require accessory structure/ADU facades with garage entrances facing an alley to be set back at least 4’ from the said alley.
- Institute a maximum gross floor area of 600 square feet for one-story accessory structures/ADUs and 1200 square feet for two-story accessory structures/ADUs.
- Establish a building envelope for accessory structures/ADUs beginning at 14’ in height from the minimum required setback and increasing at a 1:1 slope into the property to a maximum height of 24’ – exceptions are made for certain building features.
- Establish a building envelope for principal structures beginning at 26’ in height from the minimum required setback and increasing at a 1:1 slope into the property to a maximum height of 34’ or 38’ (as designated in UDO Section 5.4.3.F.2.a.5.). Exceptions are made for certain building features
Public Meeting Schedule:
This text change is scheduled for a Planning Commission Text Change Committee meeting in April. The Committee may act on that date or refer to their next Text Change Committee for further discussion. We will be collecting comments here through April 13. Comments after this date should be submitted directly to Justin Bucher via