Town of Apex Future Land Use Map Amendments Workshop
Town of Apex Future Land Use Map Amendments Workshop
Town of Apex Proposed Future Land Use Map Amendments
Town of Apex Land Use Map Amendments Workshop
Town of Apex Land Use Map Amendments Workshop
Tue, Jan 19 2021 5:50 PM
Participate by phone:
Meeting code: 9407
The purpose of this meeting is to introduce proposed amendments to the 2045 Future Land Use Map.
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Information on the proposed 2045 Future Land Use Map amendments is available online at This includes a handout describing land use types as well as exhibits of the transit routes and associated Future Land Use Map amendment areas.
The 2045 Future Land Use Map establishes long range land use patterns for the Town, sets expectations for future development, and influences infrastructure improvements. The Future Land Use Map is different from zoning, which is regulatory, and sets immediate restrictions on a property at the time of development.
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