Question title

When is the best month for you to attend a workshop in 2022? Please rank your favorites. We're shooting for late winter/early spring. (Yup, that's a busy season for us too, and we're sorry we can't make it during the dry season!)

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We're considering a two day workshop. Attendance would be free, but you would have to manage your own travel costs. The location would be somewhere in the North Sound - likely La Conner, WA. Would you be interested in taking two days?

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What style of meeting would you prefer?

A hybrid style - workshop plus presentations.
A conference style, where we can hear presentations on all kinds of different subjects.
A true workshop style, where we can spend several hours working together on a topic.
Something else! Please use the comments below to tell us your thoughts.
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Please tell us the top 3-4 subjects you want to learn about. Enter each subject as a separate comment, please! You can up-vote topics other have suggested by clicking "agree." Subjects could be things like communications strategies for working with landowners, source identification techniques, updates on source ID research, etc.

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