About the Stoney Run Trail 

The Stoney Run trail will be a 4-mile path for both bikes and pedestrians, stretching from Historic Elkridge to the BWI Trail.  It will be designed to be safe, comfortable and accessible for a wide range of people.

The Stoney Run trail will become another part of the Patapsco Regional Greenway and connect to existing multi-use trails.

The northern part of this trail will connect with the Patapsco Regional Greenway: Elkridge to Guinness Open Gate Brewery section at Main Street and Furnace Avenue. On the southern end, it will connect with the existing BWI Trail at Stoney Run Road. This will expand the network of regional paths for biking and walking.

In January, we reached out to the community about what they'd like to see in a trail.  Now, we've got four possible locations for where the trail will go and we'd like to know what you think.  Learn more  details in our story map and on the various tabs above.

About the Patapsco Regional Greenway 
In 2017, a plan for the Patapsco Regional Greenway (PRG) was approved by the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB). When complete, the PRG will be a 40-mile trail running through the Patapsco Valley from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to Sykesville in Carroll County. The PRG will be used by bicyclists, walkers, runners and (in some places) wheelchair users and horse riders. Over 12 miles of the greenway have already been completed. 

This project is a collaboration involving the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, Anne Arundel County, Howard County,  the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and you!

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts on our survey below and on the following tabs. You can also use one of the other ways to comment on the share your thoughts tab.

We are seeking input from the community to help us choose where the trail will go.

Before we dig into where the trail will go, can you answer a few questions?

Question title

Four trail options are now available for the Stoney Run trail from Elkridge to the BWI Airport Loop Trail. How do you feel about this progress?

Good glad to see it moving forward!
Hmm… first I have heard about this project … I want to learn more
I am concerned that this project is continuing
Closed to responses | 97 Responses

Question title

What is most important for us to consider in the trail design? (Select all that apply)

Length of ON-ROAD Trail Segments proposed.
Where the trail will go (Trail alignment)
Transitions to on-road segments
Impact to the Environment
The bridge crossings
Line of sight
The construction of this project
Other (Please describe)
Noise and Traffic that will be generated.
Impact to private property
Too many potential users
Closed to responses | 84 Responses

Question title

Did you participate in the first phase of this project in January - February 2024?

Closed to responses | 70 Responses

Please tell us a little bit about you In an effort to ensure that we represent the community at large, please list the following as they apply to you. 

We respect human diversity and understand that identity can be sensitive and personal. Your answers to these questions will be kept private. Your responses will help us understand who we're hearing from and ensure we reach a broad, representative set of voices. We will use this information to help us improve our outreach and understanding.


Question title

What is your zip code? (this info helps us ensure we're reaching people throughout the area)

Thank you!  Please hit continue or click on the other tabs to share your feedback on the four trail options.  

Click on the map to see where the Stoney Run Trail could go! 

Need help with something?  Email us at PRGStoneyRun@publicinput.com  or leave us a voicemail at 855-925-2801 x 1247

Project Launch

December 2023 
The project kickoff meeting was held on December 6, 2023. The focus of the kickoff was to familiarize the project team with the possible trail segments and to develop a work plan to complete the project in a timely manner. 

Community Meeting and Opportunity to Comment (Phase 1)

January - February 2024 
In the first step, we started with an overview of how things are right now (existing conditions). The project team shared the current state of the roads and any big environmental issues. We heard from community about what they want in a trail. Check out the comments, responses, and survey results. 1247

Review Comments and Identify Possible Trail Routes

Spring 2024 
The project team reviewed comments and identified possible places the trail could go. We considered community input, environmental features, and sound engineering judgment to develop several possible routes for the trail. 

Community Meeting and Opportunity to Comment (Phase 2)

May - June 2024
Potential trail options will be presented to the community. You will have the opportunity to provide comments and help to inform the project team of the final trail location. 

Review Comments and Choose a Path for the Trail

July - September 2024
Based on comments received from the public, steering committee and Advisory Committee, a final location for the trail will be selected.

Community Meeting and Opportunity to Comment (Phase 3)

October - November 2024
Phase 3 will use the comments from earlier phases to develop a selected trail location.  We will present the trail location to the community and ask for final comments. 

Review Comments and Create a Final Plan

December 2024
The project team will incorporate comments into the final plan and develop 30% design plans which will be the basis of final design. 

PRG Stoney Run Phase 2 ad