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SpeakUp VB is the official public engagement portal for the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to educate the community on important issues facing the city and to capture the public’s opinions, suggestions and comments. Please scroll down to view projects and surveys that are actively accepting input. Archived projects and surveys results are also available to view as well as updates on how the input was used. The City of Virginia Beach appreciates all valuable input. PLEASE NOTE: Survey results available on represent only the opinions of those who choose to participate in each survey. While the City of Virginia Beach uses a variety of resources to help ensure that all members of the community are aware of opportunities to provide input, respondents are not chosen by random sample. This means that the results are not representative of the total population. Have questions? Contact the Communications Office Public Engagement Team at
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Past Surveys & Projects
Rudee Park Survey
In 2022, Virginia Beach residents expressed that the Rudee Loop site is best suited as a public open space. Now, we want to hear from you what specific features should be included in the design.Take the...
Request for Input for the 2025 Virginia Beach Point-in-Time Count
As a recipient of federal funding for homelessness programs, Virginia Beach is required to conduct an annual Point-in-Time Count of the homeless population. Through the PIT Count, the community is able...
ImagineVB: Review and Comment on Policy Ideas for the Updated Comprehensive Plan
Through collaboration with focus groups and other stakeholders, the City has developed proposed policies for the updated Comprehensive Plan that will guide development decisions for the next 20 years. ...
Proposed FY24-25 Resource Management Plan (Budget)
City Council adopted the revised FY24-25 budget on May 14, 2024. The complete budget will be posted online by July 1. Thanks to everyone who provided input online and in person. Residents are encouraged...
Community of One: All In
The survey is closed for comments, however, the educational materials remain available. Survey results and the presentation to City Council are available in the documents section.In 2017, the City...
2024 Virginia Beach Point-in-Time Count
Virginia Beach is required to conduct an annual Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of the homeless population to determine how much federal funding our community will receive for programs and services that help...
Transportation Plan Survey
The Transportation Plan survey is now closed. You can read the results below or see a graphic representation of the results in a dynamic report, located in the documents section. The Planning Department...
City Council FY24-25 Focused Action Plan
Thank you for your interest in this survey, which closed for comments on Sept. 18, 2023. This was an opportunity for residents to help shape the City Council Two-Year Focused Action Plan and have...
Opioid Abatement Community Input
The opioid epidemic continues to impact communities across the nation and here at home. The Virginia Beach Department of Human Services wants to learn from our residents what programs and services it can...
The State of Recycling
The survey is closed for comments, however, the educational materials and survey results remain available. Public input on this project was used by the City Council on May 14, 2024, to keep curbside recycling...
Meetings & Events
Boards & Committees
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