Question title

How do you currently use Congress Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 11th Street? Check all that apply.

Dine, shop or stroll
Walk or run
Use a mobility assistive device (e.g. wheelchair, walker, cane or other mobility device)
Ride the bus
Scooter, skateboard or other personal mobility device
Attend a special event such as a parade, road races or festival
Spend time with children playing or learning
I live in downtown Austin
I own or manage a property or business on Congess Avenue
I don't use these streets
Other desired use
Closed to responses

Question title

How would you like to use Congress Avenue? Check all that apply.

Dine, shop or stroll
Walk or run
Use a mobility assistive device (e.g. wheelchair, walker, cane or other mobility device)
Ride the bus
Scooter, skateboard or other personal mobility device
Attend a special event such as a parade, foot race or festival
Spend time with children playing or learning
I live on a street nearby
I don't use these streets
Closed to responses

Proposed improvements

Question title

What do you like about the proposed changes?

Closed for Comments

Question title

What do you dislike about the proposed changes?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Please let us know your level of support for the plaza concept (7th Street to 11th Street)

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Question title

Please let us know your level of support for the proposed changes along Congress Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 7th Street

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Question title

What type of amenities would you like to see on the plaza. Select any that apply

Flexible Seating and Tables
Large Community Tables
Cooling Stations (misting)
Native Landscaped Areas
Lawn Space
Sidewalk Cafe Zones
Food Vending/ Food Trucks
Farmers Market
Market Stalls/ Kiosks
Arts and Cultural Performance Space
Flexible Space for Parades, Marches and Demonstrations
Flexible Space for Special Events
Flexible Space for Outdoor Movies
Private Rentable Space
Play Areas
Climbing/ Play Sculpture
Water Features/ Splash Pads
Public Art
Water Fountains
Public Bathrooms
E-Bike Stations/ Micromobility Stations (scooters)
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you have any other comments on the proposed changes?

Closed for Comments

Question title

What is your home ZIP code?

Closed to responses

Optional demographic questions 

These optional questions help Austin Transportation and Public Works understand whether we are hearing from a diverse representation of Austinites. We use this information to adjust our outreach and engagement as needed.

Question title

Which of the following best represents your cultural identity?

Black and/or African-American
Prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

Which of the following best represents your gender identity?

Another gender
Prefer not to answer
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you identify as someone with a disability?

No, I do not identify as having a disability
Yes, I have a mobility-related disability
Yes, I have a cognitive- or intellectually-related disability
Yes, I have a hearing-related disability
Yes, I have a vision-related disability
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your age?

Under 15 years old
65+ years old
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your yearly household income?

Closed to responses