Question title

Please prioritize the following items based on what is most important to you. Identify your top four priorities from most important (1) to least important (4).

Question title

I feel most roads in Johnston County are safe for all users, including vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles.

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Question title

Which roads in Johnston County do you feel are most unsafe to travel? Please list:

Question title

Which roads in Johnston County do you feel are too congested? Please list:

Question title

Do you agree that it is easy to travel throughout Johnston County?

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Question title

Read the following statements and mark them as follows: Agree or Disagree. Leave all other statements blank.

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For statements in the previous question that you marked "Disagree," please explain your selection.

Question title

Which of the following are your highest priorities for transportation investment in Johnston County (select three)?

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Do you currently use public transportation?

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If you do not use public transportation, why not? Please explain.

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Do you bike and/or walk for recreation, transportation, or both?

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What would encourage you to bike or walk more? Please explain.

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What roads in Johnston County would you like to safely ride a bicycle or walk on? Please list.

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On average, how many times a week do you travel outside of the county to these general destinations:

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What zip code do you live in?

Question title

What zip code do you work in?


What is a CTP? 

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan or CTP is a  long-range plan with a 25 year horizon that is developed through a collaborative process with residents, county officials, and NCDOT and identifies transportation system improvements necessary to meet future mobility demands within a community (Johnston County) for various modes of transportation--highway, bicycle and pedestrian, public transportation, and rail. The CTP informs local land use decisions and transportation planning initiatives and serves as the framework for selecting future transportation projects for shorter term plans, such as the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).


Public and stakeholder engagement will guide the CTP process, assist with the development of the vision for the CTP, and produce community consensus on future multi-modal transportation improvements that are fully integrated with the community’s vision, goals, and objectives. There will be three Public Meeting Opportunities as described below:


›Public Meetings (3)

-#1: Existing Conditions, Project Overview & Considerations

-#2: Alternatives Evaluation & Recommendations

-#3: Present Draft CTP

Step 1: Develop CTP Vision

Establish an overall CTP project plan and develop community vision, goals, and objectives through public engagement. 

Conduct Needs Assessment

Identify current and future vulnerabilities for the overall (multi-modal) transportation system. 

Analyze Alternatives

Draft strategies and projects that address vulnerabilities in a way that reduces impacts to the natural and human environment and is consistent with the community's vision. 

Develop Final Plan

Prepare the CTP for adoption/endorsement by the local decision-makers. 

Adopt Plan

Board of Commissioners adopts the CTP

Frequently Asked Questions

The CTP includes multiple modes of transportation, meaning that it will focus on highways, pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and trails), bicycle facilities, public transportation, and rail. Attention to each of these transportation modes allows us to better provide for a broad range of transportation choices.

By including all modes of travel (not just cars), the CTP provides a comprehensive inventory of an evolving multi-modal transportation network to support Johnston County and its local partners as they plan to meet the needs of a growing and diversifying population.

After a project is included on the CTP , it may take many years for the project to be funded. Generally, it takes 7-12 years to build a project after it is funded for highway projects. That time varies based on the complexity of the study. Here are some of the steps involved in the highway construction process:

  • Congestion and need are evaluated by NCDOT.  
  • Traffic studies and other planning is conducted.  
  • Alternate route studies are collected.  
  • Preliminary relocation studies are collected and evaluated. 
  • An environmental impact study is prepared.  
  • Preliminary engineering is accomplished and public hearings are held.  
  • Location of the corridor is approved.  
  • Design and detailed plans are prepared.  
  • Right of Way personnel contacts property owners.   \
  • Real estate market studies, evaluations, appraisals and detailed relocation studies are conducted.  
  • Comprehensive appraisal and evaluation review by Right of Way representatives is conducted.  
  • Negotiations begin. Needed property is acquired by agreed settlement with the owner. Relocation assistance is provided when applicable.  
  • Payment is made to the property owner and the title is transferred.  
  • Condemnation of property is instituted, if necessary.  
  • Appeals are made, if necessary, with regard to real property tax reimbursement.  
  • Appeals are made, if necessary, with regard to relocation benefits.  
  • The highway project is advertised to contractors to submit their bids.  
  • The bids are reviewed by department members and contracts are awarded by the North Carolina Board of Transportation.  
  • The highway is built.  
  • The highway is opened for public use.   

By establishing the region’s future transportation needs, the CTP offers an organized way to identify, and eventually prioritize, the transportation projects that will be built in the communities within Johnston County. Local governments may use the CTP to inform local land use decision-making and transportation planning initiatives and to more clearly communicate transportation expectations with residents, developers, and NCDOT. 

The CTP also serves as a framework for selecting future transportation projects for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), which identifies transportation projects prioritized for funding over the next 20 years. Once projects are in the MTP, projects are then selected to be placed in the even shorter-term Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that NCDOT uses to program projects for construction. 

How is the CTP implemented? 







