Question title

Thinking of your general routine PRIOR to the ongoing Covid-19 health emergency, how often were you in or around the intersection of 14th and U Street NW? (check one)

Rarely (less than once per month)
Closed to responses

Question title

Thinking of your general routine PRIOR to the ongoing Covid-19 health emergency, what usually brought you to the area in and around the intersection of 14th and U Street NW? (check all that apply)

Live nearby
Work nearby
Grabbing food/drink
School nearby
Transit (bus/metro)
Meeting with friends/family
Walking my Pet
Closed to responses

Question title

Thinking of your general routine PRIOR to the ongoing Covid-19 health emergency, how would you usually travel to the area? (If using multiple forms of travel, please select the option(s) that best reflects the final leg of your trip to the area).

Public transit (bus/Metro)
For hire vehicle (Uber/Lyft/Taxi)
Personal vehicle
Closed to responses

Question title

Thinking of your general routine PRIOR to the ongoing Covid-19 health emergency, were you usually with someone when you traveled to the study area? (select all that apply)

By yourself
With one other adult
With a group of adults
With children
Closed to responses

Question title

Thinking of your general routine SINCE THE START of the ongoing Covid-19 health emergency, how has the frequency of visiting the area in or around the intersection of 14th and U Street NW changed? (check one)

Less frequent
About the same
More frequent
I have not traveled to the area since the start of Covid
Closed to responses