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* What neighborhood of Menlo Park do you live in now? (See map)

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How long have you lived in Menlo Park?

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What is your age?

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What age groups live in your household? (check all that apply)

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* How often do you typically use or visit aquatics programs at BURGESS POOL, located at 501 Laurel St. in Menlo Park?

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* How important are the following aquatics programs to you?

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How satisfied are you with the services and programs at BURGESS POOL overall?

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How satisfied are you with the services and programs at BELLE HAVEN POOL overall?

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What changes to the city's aquatics programs would result in you visiting them MORE often?

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Please tell us your ideas, needs, and suggestions for the city's aquatics programs.

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Would you be interested in participating in a focus group about aquatics programs in Menlo Park?

Select a response

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* Please provide your contact information so that we can send you information regarding the aquatics focus group when it is available.

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Please provide your contact information (optional).