Question title

I want to protect fun on Big Lake! I pledge to:

Not fertilize my lawn in spring.
Closed to responses | 7 Responses

Question title

Before taking this pledge, did you usually fertilize your lawn in the spring?

I don't know
Closed to responses | 8 Responses

Question title

Would you like to expand your pledge to be an even better Protector of Fun? Select all that apply.

Yes! I pledge to leave grass clippings on the lawn to fertilize it naturally.
Yes! I pledge to get a soil test to see what my lawn needs before I fertilize.
No, thanks. I'll stick with just skipping the spring fertilizer for now.
Closed to responses | 5 Responses

Question title

* Please tell us your name.

Question title

May we share your pledge publicly? We can share your full name, or just your first name and last initial.

Yes! Please share my pledge with my full name! (Example: John Allen)
Yes! Please share my pledge with my first name and last initial (example: John A.)
No. Please keep my pledge private.
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Question title

* Please tell us your mailing address. This information will be kept private, and will only be used to mail your magnet and occasional information about your pledge.

THANK YOU for committing to be a Protector of Fun!