Wake BRT: Western Blvd. Engagement Survey
Wake BRT: Western Blvd. Engagement Survey
Please take our survey about the materials you reviewed for the Western BRT project. Your responses help us plan the best future for Raleigh!
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2. Now that you've reviewed the information on urban design opportunities along the corridor, please provide us with any comments you have on the material.
If it isn't done correctly - if too much free parking is provided, or if "mall" businesses go in rather than neighborhood - then TODs are mostly an excuse for higher urban development density while still generating suburban levels of car traffic.
Reply7 Agree4 years agoI support the Western Extension option. It seems to connect the best destinations throughout the corridor. I hope further land-use is dense along this stretch to allow for as many households as possible to get to key locations in the region without use of a car
Reply7 Agree4 years agoJeremyMake western pedestrian safe. Take away car primacy.
Reply5 Agree4 years agoThey did that to Hillsborough Street and now it can't even be used for BRT, which is where it should be focused -- not on Western Blvd.
2 Agree4 years agoNeed sidewalks into all neighborhoods off of Western to provide access. For sure Grove Ave. and Powell Drive (north side of Western).
Reply3 Agree4 years agoAllie JacobsHigher retail, commercial, and housing density along a transit corridor is the way to go for smart growth in our area
Reply2 Agree4 years agoQuestion title
3. Using the map below let us know areas you feel are opportunities or challenges along the corridor.
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4. The project team is planning on hosting a virtual Q+A session on September 30 for this project, are there any questions you would like answered during this session?
This is hidden text that lets us know when google translate runs.