Question title

Removing Char species from trout definition
WAC 220-300-160 (34) & 220-310-090

Type of Rule Change Proposal
Statewide Conservation

Short Description
This rule proposal would remove Bull Trout, Dolly Varden, Eastern Brook Trout, and Lake Trout from the trout definition and create separate definitions for "trout" and "char".

Currently as defined in WAC (220-300-160 ((34)) "Trout" means brown trout, bull trout, cutthroat trout, Dolly Varden, Eastern brook trout, golden trout, grayling, lake trout, rainbow trout (except steelhead), tiger trout and, in WAC 220-312-010 through 220-312-060, salmon from waters designated as "landlocked salmon rules apply". Separating the definition for "Trout" and "char" will more clearly define regulations and management intent in waterbodies with special rules.

Closed for Comments

Please refer to the proposed rule making document: Recreational Fishing CR-102

You can either add comments into the text boxes, or e-mail the comments with or without attachments to, or leave a voicemail message by calling 855-925-2801 and entering project code 4855.