RCC Development Review Tool Submission Form
RCC Development Review Tool Submission Form
The RCC Development Review Web Tool is for committee members and stakeholders to review and comment on projects related to the development area surrounding the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth (NAS JRB Fort Worth). The system provides a clearinghouse to discuss various project types, including parcel-specific zoning changes, height obstructions, site plan applications, and special exceptions. It also provides a forum for discussion of broader long-term projects, such as comprehensive plan updates, zoning ordinance language, and capital improvement plans for public buildings. The use of this tool was a recommendation from the 2008 Joint Land Use Study.
Amanda Wilson | Kyle Roy |
Senior Program Manager | Communications Supervisor |
awilson@nctcog.org | kroy@nctcog.org |
817-695-9284 | 817-704-5610 |
Project Submission Form
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