Share your comments on land use and density in the proposed plan.
Share your comments on land use and density in the proposed plan.
Grocery Access & Food Desert Concerns Rosslyn remains a food desert, and increasing access to grocery options is crucial for residents. While we acknowledge the challenges of attracting grocery stores due to location constraints, we strongly encourage developers to incorporate alternative solutions to improve food accessibility. Ideally, a Trader Joe’s or similar grocery option would be a significant community asset.
Although the density appears consistent with planning documents, applicant’s request for a doubling of density is substantial. Is this large-scale increase in residential capacity consistent with overall Rosslyn planning? While mindful of the current market, we don’t want to become just a bedroom community for Washington.
1. Grocery Access & Food Desert Concerns Rosslyn remains a food desert, and increasing access to grocery options is crucial for residents. While we acknowledge the challenges of attracting grocery stores due to location constraints, we strongly encourage developers to incorporate alternative solutions to improve food accessibility. Ideally, a Trader Joe’s or similar grocery option would be a significant community asset.
Share your comments on building form and height in the proposed plan.
Share your comments on building form and height in the proposed plan.
In general, I’m in agreement with staff comments about overhangs and do have concerns about the effect on streetscapes. I’m particularly concerned about the transition to Gateway Park and agree that the architecure should reflect the approach of the adjacent buildings. In terms of height, less density on the NW Tower would provide more dramatic transition with S. Tower. The landscaping on the 6th floor podium looks great; can we get a view of how that would look to pedestrians on the street?
Tower heights, location and spacing are appropriate. Balcony overhangs are ok. Is the overhang on 19th more of a cutout given how far back the street level face is from the build-to line? I’m not overly concerned with the lack of step backs on 19th given that I think there is a significant step back across the street. I’ll want to know more about how the nw corner overhang looks.
Share your comments on architecture in the proposed plan.
Share your comments on architecture in the proposed plan.
In general I applaud the principle of biophilic design as a concept. The facades and colors appear handsome. As stated previously, the skyline would be enhanced by more dramatic transition netween the NW Tower and S. Tower
The overall design fits in with Rosslyn. I like that the Langston Blvd facade has a horizontal component because it delineates the nw tower as separate. I do not like the blind panels along 19th St. They are contrary to the plan and don’t fit with the rest of the building’s design.
Share your comments on transportation in the proposed plan.
Share your comments on transportation in the proposed plan.
Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Safe traffic flow and pedestrian crossings must be a priority in this development. We urge the developer, Arlington County, and the Virginia Department of Transportation to design and implement safe, efficient intersection crossings along both the east and west lanes of Langston Boulevard. Additionally, we support the decision not to replace the pedestrian bridge over the eastbound lane of Langston Boulevard, as safer at-grade crossings should be prioritized.
Streetscape design appears thoughtful. I do support staff’s comments about removing the fixed structures on 19th Street. The enhancements to the bike lane are welcome. I would prefer more renderings of what the streetscape experience will be like for pedestrians.
Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure in Rosslyn is extremely limited. We urge the developer to incorporate EV charging stations as a community benefit, particularly in designated on-street parking areas, to support sustainable transportation options.
Bus & Truck Traffic Concerns We have concerns regarding the impact of bus and truck traffic in the area, particularly: o The planned bus exit onto Langston Boulevard and how it will affect traffic flow. o The narrow configuration of North Moore Street and potential congestion issues. o The potential safety and logistical challenges posed by trucks backing out of the Rosslyn City Center (RCA) loading zone onto North Moore Street.
Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Safe traffic flow and pedestrian crossings must be a priority in this development. We urge the developer, Arlington County, and the Virginia Department of Transportation to design and implement safe, efficient intersection crossings along both the east and west lanes of Langston Boulevard. Additionally, we support the decision not to replace the pedestrian bridge over the eastbound lane of Langston Boulevard, as safer at-grade crossings should be prioritized.
Share your comments on landscaping, biophilia, and sustainability in the proposed plan.
Share your comments on landscaping, biophilia, and sustainability in the proposed plan.
I applaud the use of biophilia as a design principe. However, other than the design, the project doesn’t scream biophilia, and I’d like to see more design elements, particularly along Langston Blvd. as it transitions to Gateway Park. I strongly support staff’s comments about the use of green walls. New technology makes them an actual design feature (see Clarendon Sq. project at 3033 Wilson Blvd.) The private terrace design looks great; can we have similarly attractive elements in public space?
The added street trees are good. I’d keep the planters at mid block 19th St. Can plantings at the edges of the terrace be made visible from the street? The terrace also seems to have a lot of hard scape. Is that much necessary? Can a dog facility be included on the terrace?
Rosslyn remains a food desert, and increasing access to grocery options is crucial for residents. While we acknowledge the challenges of attracting grocery stores due to location constraints, we strongly encourage developers to incorporate alternative solutions to improve food accessibility. Ideally, a Trader Joe’s or similar grocery option would be a significant community asset.
Rosslyn remains a food desert, and increasing access to grocery options is crucial for residents. While we acknowledge the challenges of attracting grocery stores due to location constraints, we strongly encourage developers to incorporate alternative solutions to improve food accessibility. Ideally, a Trader Joe’s or similar grocery option would be a significant community asset.