Will the bicycle lane be paved like the street or will it be concrete like the sidewalk? Riding bikes on concrete sidewalks is not as comfortable for the cyclist as pavement. I also think there should be consideration for bus stops to provide a place for buses to pull over. Bus riders need a place to sit with an awning to help protect them from inclement weather.
Will property taxes go up? We don't care about Alternative 1 or 2 but it makes no sense to provide either one if the new City bus stops can't accommodate a bus pulling over and people waiting safely. Also, ALL of Barwell needs done just for that reason alone. Currently the bus stops at places with no pull over ability and no where for people to wait. We think the bikes can share the sidewalks to provide the City Bus a better space to pull over and keep traffic moving on the ENTIRE stretch of Barwell Road.
We don't have children; however, it would be nice for families that do to have them in place in order to participate in the Barwell Community Center activities as well as going to school will be so much safer. We were under the impression during CAC meetings that sidewalks would be provided by bond money already tagged for that purpose.
What is the plan to keep traffic moving during the 2 year project? We already have traffic congestion on both ends of Barwell Road. We do LIKE the Pearl Road intersection changes!!!!