Question title

Where do you live? (Select one)

In the study area (on/near Rogero Rd. between Merrill Rd. and Arlington Expwy.)
In another area of Jacksonville or Duval County
Clay, Nassau or St. Johns County
Outside Clay, Duval, Nassau or St. Johns counties
Closed to responses

Question title

Where do you typically work? (Select one)

In the study area (on/near Rogero Rd. between Merrill Rd. and Arlington Expwy.)
In another area of Jacksonville or Duval County
Clay, Nassau or St. Johns County
Outside Clay, Nassau and St. Johns counties
I do not work (e.g., student, retired, etc.)
Closed to responses

Question title

How often do you travel along Rogero Road?

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Question title

Please mark the location of walking or bicycling-related problem spots on the map below. Select or drag and icon, explain the problem in the pop-up box and select post at the bottom right. You can also upload a photo with your description.

Question title

How easy or difficult is it to walk along Rogero Road?

Very easy
Somewhat easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Closed to responses

Question title

How easy or difficult is it to bicycle along Rogero Raod?

Very easy
Somewhat easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Closed to responses

Question title

If walking or bicycling conditions were enhanced along Rogero Road, how likely would you be to walk or bicycle more often?

Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not sure
Closed to responses

Question title

For what purpose(s) do you walk or ride a bicycle along Rogero Road? (Select all that apply)

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Question title

If you walk or bicycle along Rogero Road, select the average length of your trips. Your best guess is fine.

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Question title

If you do not cross at an intersection/crosswalk while walking or bicycling, please select all reasons that apply.

Drivers don't stop/yield at the marked crosswalk
Drivers don't stop/yield at the traffic signal
I don't want to walk any extra distance to get to the crosswalk/intersection
I don't want to wait for the traffic signal
There is not enough time to cross at the traffic signal
Other - please specify
I only cross at intersection/crosswalk
Closed to responses


Question title

I would like to walk more than I currently do. (Select true or false)

Closed to responses

Question title

What are the biggest barriers that may prevent you from walking along Rogero Road? (Select all that apply)

Too much traffic
Sidewalks in poor condition
Gaps in sidewalk/missing sidewalk
Rogero Road intersections are not comfortable for pedestrians
High traffic speeds and/or bad driver behaviors
Takes too much time/inconvenient
My health or ability
Too hot/too little shade
Other - please specify
None of the above
Closed to responses

Question title

What would make you feel more comfortable walking along Rogero Road? (Select all that apply)

More space/buffer between the road and sidewalk
Wider sidewalks
Repairing any damaged sidewalks
Enhanced crosswalk designs
Better lighting
Other - please specify
Closed to responses

Question title

Which walking enhancements would be most beneficial? (Select up to three)

Wider sidewalks
More visible, better marked crosswalks at intersections
Raised medians to help protect pedestrians crossing Rogero Road (pedestrian refuge islands)
Mid-block crossing opportunities
An off-street multi-use path
Additional pedestrian lighting at intersections
Additional pedestrian lighting along Rogero Road
Other - please specify
Closed to responses


Question title

I would like to ride bicycles more than I currently do. (Select true or false)

Closed to responses

Question title

What are the biggest barriers that may prevent you from riding a bicycle along Rogero Road? (Select all that apply)

No bicycle parking/racks
Too much traffic
No bicycle lanes
Sidewalks in poor condition
Rogero Road intersections are not comfortable for bicyclists
High traffic speeds and/or bad driver behaviors
My health or ability
Too hot/too little shade
Other - please specify
I do not have a bicycle
None of the above
Closed to responses

Question title

In locations where there are no on-street bicycle lanes, where do you prefer to ride your bicycle?

In a travel lane (with traffic)
On the sidewalk (with pedestrians)
I have no preference
I do not ride a bicycle
Closed to responses

Question title

Which bicycling enhancement would be most beneficial?

Wider sidewalks
An off-street trail or multi-use path
An on-street clearly marked bicycle lane
An on-street bicycle lane with a barrier such as a curb or bollards/flexposts
Other - please specify
None of the above
Closed to responses

Question title

What design features would you like to see on Rogero Road? (Select all that apply)

Bike lanes with painted buffer areas between bike lanes and car lanes
Bike lanes with green pavement markings (green bike lanes)
Bike lanes separated from car lanes by a curb or bollards/flexposts
Enhanced crosswalk designs for cyclists and pedestrians
Bike boxes at intersections to provide additional room for cyclists in front of autos
Off-street trails or shared-use paths for both bikes and pedestrians together
Dashed white striping to mark bike lanes through intersections
Dashed green pavement "crosswalks" to mark bike lanes through intersections
Two-way bikeways for two-way bike traffic separated by a curb or bollards/flexposts
Traffic signals dedicated solely to cyclists
Other - please specify
Closed to responses


Question title

Please provide any final comments or suggestions for improving traffic conditions along Rogero Road.

Closed for Comments

Question title

Please share your contact information to receive study updates and announcements.


We ask for the following information to us better understand the survey results and reach a cross-section of people who live and travel in the study area.

Question title

What is your gender?

Prefer not to respond
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your age range?

Under 18
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 - 74
75 +
Prefer not to respond
Closed to responses

Question title

How many working, registered vehicles are in your household?

1 vehicle
2 vehicles
3 or more vehicles
Closed to responses

Question title

What is your household income range?

Less than $15,000
$15,000 - $24,999
$25,000 - $34,999
$35,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - $99,999
$100,000 - $149,999
$150,000 +
Prefer not to respond
Closed to responses