Thank you for visiting the online workshop for the
Round Rock Transit Development Plan.

We appreciate your time!

The City began developing the draft Transit Development Plan over the Summer of 2021. We met with several community leaders, had over 870 survey respondants, and had over 380 people learn about the project through a virtual open house and two in-person public workshops hosted on September 8 & 9.

Click HERE to view Public Workshop 1 & 2 survey results. 

Transit improvement options have been developed to address the needs of the City and its residents. These needs were developed based on findings from data analysis, input from the community and stakeholders, and future projections of population and employment for Round Rock.

The following improvement scenarios provide practical and implementable options that can support growth. Current funding comes from local and federal sources and as the Transit Plan moves forward, the City will work to identify additional funding sources. 

Take a look and tell us your thoughts on the draft options.


subject to change

Anticipated Timeline

Summer 2021Data Collection and System Analysis
Summer 2021Stakeholder Interviews & Small Group Workshops
Sep. 8 & 9Public Workshops 1 & 2
Summer – Fall 2021Data and Public Input Analysis
Wednesday, Dec. 8Public Workshop 3
Spring 2022Anticipated Adoption by City Council


Question title

Please provide your email address to receive periodic updates on the Transit Development Plan. If you have provided your email address previously, you do not need to sign up again.


Transit Coordinator
Edna Johnson