Question title

* Please enter your home address. Note: only approximate locations are collected.

Question title

* Please answer the following true or false questions:

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Bike lane

Standard Bike Lane

Example of a protected bike lane

Protected Bike Lane

Buffered Bike Lane

Buffered Bike Lane

example of a wider sidewalk along Parallel Parkway

Shared Use Paths

Question title

* Using the examples at left as a guide, please rank the following bicycle safety options, beginning with the one you prefer the most. Note: click on each item in your order of priority.

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Question title

* Please rank the following pedestrian safety options, beginning with the one you prefer the most. Note: click on each item in your order of priority.

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Question title

* Using the examples at right as a guide, please rank the following roadway safety options, beginning with the one you prefer the most. Note: click on each item in your order of priority.

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Roundabout photo


illustration showing a road diet

Road Diet

image showing a curb bulbout

Curb Bulbout

illustration showing a road median

Landscaped Median


Question title

* If wider sidewalks are only provided on one side of the roadway along Augusta Street, which side would you prefer?

West side (traveling toward downtown, this would be on your left)
East side (traveling toward downtown, this would be on your right)
I am not interested in wider sidewalks
I prefer both sides
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Question title

Please provide any other thoughts or comments on traffic safety along Augusta Street.

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