Question title

Please provide comments about the proposed amendments to Flood Hazard Areas (Article 3) in the space below by Sunday, May 9, 2021. For general comments, please email

Closed for Comments

The documents below provide more details about the creation of Flood Hazard Areas (Chapter 25-12, Article 3).

  1. 2021 Flood Hazard Areas (Article 3) Ordinance Proposed Changes: Highlights all proposed revisions in detail, providing the full text as it will read once adopted.
  2. 2021 Flood Hazard Areas (Article 3) Proposed Changes Presentation: Provides a broad overview of what changes are proposed and why they are suggested.
  3. 2021 Flood Plain Regulations (Article 3) Language Relocation Information: Provides language as it currently exits and shows where the proposed change will move the language.
  4.  2021 Flood Hazard Areas (Article 3) Question_Comment Response Summary provides a consolidated list of questions, comments and responses.