'23-'27 Transportation Improvement Program - Public Review

The Genesee Transportation Council (GTC) is seeking public comment on the draft 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project List and draft Transportation Conformity Statement for the LRTP...

Air Quality Conformity Statement for the LRTP 2045 and TIP 2023-2027

The draft Transportation Conformity Statement for the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2045 and the FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program  is available...

TIP Area

Question title

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'23-'27 Transportation Improvement Program - Call for Projects (2022)

In December 2021, GTC and NYSDOT-Region 4 reached out to GTC member agencies, and eligible counties, municipalities, and authorities seeking project proposals to compete for federal funding. Prospective...

Revised TIP
Development Schedule

Call for Projects

Applicant Workshop:
Tuesday, January 4, 2022  from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m

Project Evaluation & Selection

The GTC and NYSDOT-Region 4 staff will score project proposals against common and mode-specific criteria. Considerations common to all proposals include:

  • Safety
  • Mobility
  • Community & Economic Development
  • System Continuity & Optimization
  • Environment  
  • Fiscal Responsibility.

Other criteria are specific to travel modes including:

  • Highways & Bridges
  • Public Transportation
  • Bicycle & Pedestrian
  • System Management & Operations,
  • Goods Movement. 

The resulting scores provide a preliminary basis for ranking project proposals which then undergo further assessment. 

Preliminary Program Development

These preliminary rankings were reviewed and discussed with the TIP Development Committee where changed were made to reflect overall funding considerations, geographic balance, and other factors not specifically captured by the Project Evaluation Criteria. A list of projects recommended for funding, and not recommended, is prepared, and shared with stakeholders and available for public review and comment.

Project List for Public Review

The GTC released the 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project List for a 30-day comment period from July 15 through August 15, 2022. This period is concurrent with the public review for the draft Air Quality Conformity Statement. Public comments received to date will be presented to the GTC Planning Committee for consideration on August 11, prior to recommending the Draft to the GTC Board for adoption on August 25, 2022. 

An integrated outreach plan will include a combination of methods for people to participate in person and electronically. 

The GTC will consider all public comments received and issue a response, sharing how comments were incorporated or addressed. 

Adoption by the GTC Board

The Genesee Transportation Council (GTC), the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region, will hold one of its quarterly Board meetings on Thursday, August 25, at 8:30 a.m. at RGRTA, located at 1372 East Main Street in Rochester.