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Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women

Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women

The Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) serves to foster a closer relationship and a fuller exchange of ideas between women of respective Districts and City Councilmembers; to further the equal legal, social, political, economic, and educational opportunity and advancement of all women and men; to eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex in all phases of American society; to promote the dissemination of information on employment opportunities for women in the public sectors, and to provide counsel when and if necessary; and to encourage women to assume initiative and accept their responsibility in the removal of legal and other barriers to the realization of their basic human rights.

The Commission is comprised of 11 members – each serving a two-year term – along with two non-voting associate commissioners. Each City Council district and the Mayor has an appointee to this board. A quorum of six voting members is required to conduct business on the Commission's agenda.

The Commission meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.; meetings are a mix of virtual and in person.

Liaison: Roger Gonzalez – 210-207-2003.

Apply for the Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women here.

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