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Envision Seminole 2045: Listening Tour

Envision Seminole 2045: Listening Tour

We want to hear from you! 

The first series of meeting of Envision 2045 will focus on listening to you. Come to any of the three meetings to share your perspective. 

Tell the County what you think matters most as we plan for the next 20 years of growth, change, and conservation. The program will include brief presentation on how land planning affects where and how new homes, neighborhoods, stores, and places of work are built in our community. Then we will ask you to share your thoughts on what’s working and what’s not working as it relates to land development, conservation, transportation, and recreation in the County and what challenges and opportunities are coming. 

Can't make it? Be sure to follow our progress and share your thoughts on our virtual hub: Envision Seminole 2045
