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Envision Seminole 2045: Visioning Tour

Envision Seminole 2045: Visioning Tour

Help shape the vision!

Join the County in developing ideas and solutions for the next 20 years of growth, change, and conservation.

This is the second series of meetings in Envision Seminole 2045. During this tour, we will look more closely at what could happen over the next twenty years. The team will share planning approaches to address concerns and opportunities described by the Seminole County community during the Listening Tour (in person and online). Participants will be invited to provide feedback and offer additional ideas that will be used to create a future vision that aligns with the values and needs of County residents. 

Click on the date you are interested in to see additional details and to pre-register (optional). 

Can't make it? Be sure to follow our progress and share your thoughts on our virtual hub: Envision Seminole 2045
